Let's Be Clear, Ron Paul Fucking Sucks. Here Are 20 Reasons Why

Every single one of the candidates currently running for the Republican nomination is a walking disaster. But one of them, Texas congressman Ron Paul, seems to be getting a disturbing amount of support from liberals. Mostly that's because his nut-job libertarian views happen to not sound so nutty on a handful of issues. He wants to end the War on Drugs. He is against the death penalty. He would not support a constitutional ban on gay marriage. He was opposed to the War in Iraq and wants to end all American military intervention abroad. All of that sounds pretty good to us left-wing types — downright refreshing coming from a Republican. Some progressives have claimed they'd rather vote for him than for Obama. Even Occupiers have sung his praises.

But if you're a liberal who supports Ron Paul, you either haven't been paying enough attention or you're out of your fucking mind.

Here are 20 reasons why:

1. He wants to repeal the Civil Rights Act. That's the 1964 law that made segregation illegal and outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex or national origin. Paul claims it infringes on people's freedom. If a restaurant or hotel wants to ban African-Americans, he believes they should be allowed to. As he put it in a speech to Congress: "the forced integration dictated by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 increased racial tensions while diminishing individual liberty."

2. He's also against the Americans With Disabilities Act. That's the 1990 bill passed by the first President Bush, which followed up the Civil Rights Act by making it illegal to discriminate against someone because of a disability. Paul wants it gone, too.

3. He is against public health care. You know how you think Americans are crazy because they can't do any better on universal health care than the watered down bill Obama got through? Well, President Ron Paul would do much, much worse. He thinks that in an entirely private system, poor people would have all of their needs taken care of by charitable doctors who would be willing to work for free. Ron Paul, by the way, is a medical doctor.

4. He wants to dissolve the public education system. He promises to eliminate the Department of Education entirely and leave the question of whether to offer any public education at all up to local governments. He calls public education "socialist" (which we actually agree with, but he, unlike us, doesn't think that's a good thing) and says, "I preach home schooling and private schooling." According to an interview, "The Department of Education has given us No Child Left Behind, massive unfunded mandates, indoctrination, and in some cases, forced medication of our children with psychotropic drugs. We should get rid of all of that..."

5. He thinks global warming is a hoax. In his words, it's "the greatest hoax, I think, that's been around in many, many years — if not hundreds of years". But that's just the tip of the crazyberg. Ron Paul winning the presidency would be a disaster for the environment. He wants to completely disband the Environmental Protection Agency, abolish environmental regulation, and lift, it seems, just about all the restrictions on drilling for oil. Including in National Parks.

6. He doesn't believe in evolution. When asked about it in 2007, he was pretty clear: "I think it’s a theory. The theory of evolution. And I don’t accept it as a theory."

7. He's against federal safety standards. So that means no federal testing to make sure the products you're sold won't kill you. Or that, say, the airplane you're on won't fall out of the sky. In fact, he's in favour of completely disbanding the Federal Aviation Authority, which does stuff like hire air traffic controllers to make sure planes don't collide in the air. He has argued against the Food and Drug Administration, which makes sure pharmaceuticals are safe to take. ("People weren't dying from bad drugs before we had the FDA," he has said, "I mean, it just didn't happen.") And forget Ralph Nader's successful crusade to enforce the wearing of seat belts. Ron Paul is ideologically opposed to the federal government making sure cars even have seat belts. "I mean, do we need the federal government to tell us whether we buy a safe car?"

8. He is radically pro-life. And vehemently opposed to a woman's right to choose. He signed the "personhood pledge" making the rounds on the current campaign, suggesting that abortion should be legally considered to be the same thing as murder.

9. He wants to do away with all foreign aid. Paul's isolationism sounds good to liberals when he's talking about his refusal to invade other nations. But the United States government, under President Paul, would send no funds to the developing world to help combat AIDS or famines or natural disasters or anything else.

10. He would pull out of the United Nations. He openly claims the United Nations is part of a plot to create one world government. "If we continue down the UN path, America as we know it will cease to exist." And not only does he want to withdraw the U.S. from membership, he wants to evict the United Nations from their headquarters in New York.

11. He's against the minimum wage. Instead of making sure that people are paid at least a minimum amount for their work, he believes companies should be allowed to pay whatever ever they like, with the law of supply and demand determining just how little. Lower wages, he argues, would actually help poor people by creating more jobs.

12. He is a gun nut. Our eyebrows are already raised by anyone who claims that having firearms is a "God-given right", like Ron Paul does. But he doesn't stop there. He wants to repeal the legislation that requires a background check when you buy a new gun — you know, to make sure you're not, say, a  fugitive from justice, a violent offender, or currently stalking someone. Back when there actually was a ban an assault weapons, he was, of course, against the ban. And now that there isn't, he wants to make sure Obama doesn't get the chance to bring a new one in.

13. He believes we're waging a war against Christmas. In his words, he claims that "the elitist, secular Left" are waging an "ongoing war against religion" to "transform America into a completely secular nation, a nation that is legally and culturally biased against Christianity." And as if that wasn't crazy enough, he adds, "Christmas itself may soon be a casualty of that war."

14. He wants to get rid of income tax. He is against taxation in general, of course, which most liberals would disagree pretty strongly with. Especially when it comes to the income tax. It's generally recognized as the most direct way to make sure that poor folk don't have to give up more of their earnings than rich folk do. But Paul wants to get rid of it entirely.

15. He voted to build a fence along the border with Mexico. In fact, he's pretty radical when it comes to the whole question of undocumented immigration. He has backed off on the fence issue (because, he says, it might be used to keep Americans in) but he has also argued that Emergency Room doctors shouldn't have to treat immigrants without documentation. And that he wants to end birthright citizenship, which says you're an American citizen if you were born in America, whether or not your parents were citizens themselves.

16. He's against the Occupational Health and Safety Act. That's the law that gives Americans the right to a safe workplace, and makes sure an employer doesn't force employees to work in a dangerous or unhealthy environment. That, Paul figures, is unconstitutional. It limits the employer's freedom to put workers in harm's way.

17. He wants to U.S. to seize control of the Panama Canal. Paul's isolationism doesn't seem to apply to the Panama Canal. The United States signed a treaty back in the 1970s gradually ceding control of the canal to the government of Panama. But Paul wants to overturn that. Because if the U.S doesn't seize control of it, he claims some hostile regime might seize control of it instead.

18. He thinks interstate highways are unconstitutional. You're probably getting the impression by now that Ron Paul thinks that pretty much everything the federal government does is unconstitutional. That's because Ron Paul thinks that pretty much everything the federal government does is unconstitutional. He has even argued against interstate highways, saying Eisenhower knew he was bending the law when he built them. Paul figures they're a violation of states' rights.

19. He seems pretty homophobic to us. Paul actually gets a lot of credit for being the one Republican candidate who isn't homophobic, mostly because he says that the federal government has no business telling people what to do in their private lives and he's come out against a constitutional ban against same-sex marriage. But it's really not that clear where he stands. His reason for being against the ban is that he believes marriage laws should be left up to individual states or to the church. When some states began to pass laws legalizing same-sex marriage, he fought to make sure other states wouldn't have to recognize those marriages as legal. He's also for don't-ask-don't-tell and has voted to de-fund any organization which "presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style". As for his own personal attitude toward the gay community? Well, an ex-staffer who defended Paul against charges of homophobia did so by claiming he only knew of two times Paul did something homophobic: the time he swatted away a gay man's hand rather than have to shake it, and the time he refused to go to the washroom at the same time as a gay guy. 

20. And he seems pretty racist too. Paul has been haunted by accusations of racism pretty much the whole campaign long. And with good reason. He used to publish newsletters, under his own name, which said unbelievably racist things. Things like, "I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." And, "If you have ever been robbed by a black teenaged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." For years, he refused opportunities to distance himself from those comments and those newsletters. Now, finally, he has, saying that they were written by other people, without his knowledge, and that he doesn't share those views. But that's not the only thing that makes us worried. More recently, he complained about the Transportation Security Administration hiring visible minorities to do airport screenings. Again, in his own words: "We quadrupled the TSA, you know, and hired more people who look more suspicious to me than most Americans who are getting checked... Most of them are, well, you know, they just don’t look very American to me."

So, yeah, as liberals, we wouldn't exactly have high hopes for the Paul Administration.


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Anonymous said...

After reading that article its easy to see how one can perceive Ron Paul as a homophobic racist but those who are familiar with Ron Paul's background are fully aware that its quite the contrary. Ron Paul in my opinion is one of the very few politicians who actually advocates for the average American. He's a patriotic constitutionalist who opposes the rabid corruption which has subtlety invaded the foundation of our nation. He is against the federal reserve for the same reason our founding fathers adamantly opposed the central bank. The corporate elite has managed to infiltrate every institution in the United States. Their filthy tentacles have replaced the very ideals this nation was built on with corruption & lies to fit the needs of their twisted agenda, an agenda that promotes a war on the ordinary citizen. The public school system has been manipulated with a dumbed down curriculum only to perpetuate a society that's easier to control. Public health care is no different when under the control of government. When the peoples primary needs of survival become dependent on the establishment the establishment has the power to bring a society to it's knees. For those who have obtained their knowledge from sources other than the media tube should be well aware that the power in this country are in the hands of a very select few, as if time has done a full circle dating right back to the period prior to the American revolution. The United states was a nation founded on Christian principles which should not be confused with Christianity being the only accepted religion as it's an obvious violation of our first amendment right. Ron Paul is trying to reestablish the very roots this country was founded on. He's not personally attacking the equal rights of minorities, he's opposed to affirmative action which is in infringement on equal rights, He is not condemning homosexuals, or infringing on religious freedom, his intent is to combat the destruction of the Christian family "IDEALS". Every election year we're presented with the same men just different suits. It makes no difference if they're running on the Republican ticket or the democrat ticket, they all work for the same boss and each of their campaigns are funded by the exact corporate elite who have ruined this country to begin with. So if Ron Paul is a gun slinging patriot who represents the ideals this nation was founded on then that's the best man for the job as far as I'm concerned. The people of this nation need to remember the bloodshed and many lives lost on their behalf a century ago and remember where they came from.

Anonymous said...

War? Really? Might I remind you that the Cold War ended 20 years ago. Although we are at war right now, we are not under constant threat of nuclear war, and since Osama is dead, we're leaving Iraq, and we're almost done in Afganistan, I really don't see how war is that immediately a threat to all of us. In the mean time, the polar ice caps are melting, and it's predicted that the sea level could rise to the point of threatening coastal areas by the 2030s. Might I remind you of the record-breaking warm weather experienced by the midwest all winter so far, not to mention the winter storms in the southwest, just barely east of the White Sands DESERT? Last I checked, it's not supposed to snow where there's sand and cacti!!! OBVIOUSLY WE ARE DOING SOMETHING VERY WRONG TO THE ENVIRONMENT!!!

Anonymous said...

There was a war for our freedom in early 1912???

Anonymous said...

Is this author stupid or just intellectually dishonest?

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! I agree with everything you didn't misinterpret, or take out of context. Maybe someday you all will take a critical thinking class.

Anonymous said...

Obama murders Afrians in Africa for "humanitarian" purposes and you twist Dr. Paul's words? haha... you'll get what you want soon enough. Fools.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love Paul for all 20 of the reasons you say he fucking sucks, and I hate him for the few "virtues" you mentioned at the beginning of the article.

Could you authors possibly be any more brain-dead, toe-tag liberal? Come on guys, it's embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

People are sheep and this planet is doomed.

Anonymous said...

So where were the 20 reasons not to support Ron Paul? If actual information was given instead of this emotionally motivated jibberish, this would actually be a positive article for Ron Paul.

Anonymous said...

You are short sited and completely misinformed. Do your research next time. Take this trash down.

Anonymous said...

It's shocking how many people have drunk the Ron Paul kooky koolaid. Good lord people - he is Michele Bachman in old man's clothing.

Anonymous said...

This is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Anonymous said...

hahaha! every bullet in this piece is flawed and inaccurate.

i am not a paul supporter, but this author needs to do more current research i think. he was either far too biased from the get-go to even care to check the facts... or, frankly too dumb to understand some of them.

i am hoping to find a better/stronger anti-paul article to read.

Anonymous said...

I urge everyone reading this page to check the underlined links throughout. The author of this article ripped most of their accusations completely out of context from those sources. Someone has to be very invested in not liking Ron Paul to read them and decide that he's a poor presidential candidate. I assume they were posted to reinforce the author's claims, but they actually made me respect Ron Paul even more.

Anonymous said...

VOTING FOR HIM, just because you are an ASSHOLE

Anonymous said...

Lets be "Fucking" clear Ron Paul believes in the constitution. He believes in states rights. He believes that the states we reside in has the power to make their own laws. He is not homophobic nor is he racist and to say such things just shows your ignorance. He is pro-choice because he was a doctor. He wants to take away foreign aid because we are broke and our country has many people living with HIV who go with out healthcare, you moron. I see that an ignorant person would have trouble with these concepts but dig around and find out all the civil liberties that have been taken from you under your nose durning the last 12 years. The things you are spouting are taken completely out of context. Are you getting paid by Hollywood or by a lobbiest?

Anonymous said...

If you're going to say this bland ass shit. Like he wants this and that gone. Then you're ignorant ass should probably give reasons as to why and what he plans to do about it. This article is a bias load of crap.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's a truth

Anonymous said...

What I would like to see is ONE FRIGGING PERSON ACTUALLY BACK UP THE ACCUSATIONS THEY MAKE! If there is Evidence lets see it, until then your just pandering to bullshit, k thanks and bye.

Anonymous said...

Profound journalism with a title that includes "fucking sucks" LOL. No one should take this seriously.

Steve Roller said...

Every one of your points is invalid. Do your homework, dude.

Steve Roller said...

Every one of your points is invalid. Do your homework, dude.

Anonymous said...

i actually want to vote for him more now, federal health care is as unamerican as communism, america is turning antichristmas with the whole "happy Holidays" bs that shoved down our throats all the time at christmas time, the constitution gives us the right to bears arms, why should we continue to support other nations when we our selves are trillions of dollars in debt, why is cutting income tax bad? its more money for american working class citizens to put in there pockets and spend when they are ready, which will actually boost our economy, something you liberal asswhipes know absolutely nothing about as seen with the worsening of our economy under obamas reign of socialist terror.

Anonymous said...

Also why build a fence on the border when a wall would do a much better job? Illegals Go home im not paying your medical bills!!!! Fuck Illegal Aliens!!!

Anonymous said...

This article is mostly false. And the stuff that is right you got wrong. Like opposition to the FDA. The FDA is horrible. It is time to bring the right back to what it was intended to be. This will bring the right back and drop the left to it's knees.

Xcalybur said...

Wow, you are about the most ignorant writer I've come across in a very long time. Let us go through these one by one.

1. He doesn't want to repeal the Civil Rights act. He said it never should have passed. He won't repeal it now. And he's right, it never should have passed.

2. Same as #1. His reasoning for this is that he (and myself) look at people as individuals and not as groups. Individuals have rights, not groups.

3. DUH! Public health care doesn't work (period). Never has and never will. Look at every country who has it and ask their people if they like it in any way. THEY DON'T.

4. DUH! Before public education there was wide scale private education. Look at what public education has done to our children and our national discourse. People are stupider than ever.

5. This one has been proven a hoax. Moving on.

6. This is a theory. It has never been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

7. Let the market take care of it. I don't want the federal government telling me what to do. Get out of my life.

8. Uh, abortion is murder. Very very simple and if you say it isn't then when is it? At birth? First trimester? 2 weeks? It's murder.

9. Easy one. Why are we paying for other countries dictators and governments when they clearly aren't giving it to their people. Plus, that's my money they are giving away, not the US governments.

10. Duh, what has the UN done for us? Except to get us into wars and hamstringing us on our diplomatic decisions.

11. Yup, never should have happened. If I am willing to work for $5/hour why shouldn't I? The minimum wage just makes companies have to hire less people.

12. Gun nut? He supports the right to own a gun yes. He doesn't use them. Second, you're gonna be begging the people with guns to protect you when the crap hits the fan.

13. Christmas has become a joke. He's right, Christmas isn't Christmas anymore.

14. We didn't have one before 1913. Why should we have one now? Besides, the income tax is a form of slavery. The US gov. takes your whole paycheck and gives you back a portion. That's slavery. I want to keep my money.

15. What's wrong with a fence? I don't want illegals coming here by the millions. His view on illegal immigration is to de-incentivize the reasons to come here.

16. Yeah, OSHA has cost companies billions and billions of dollars and millions of jobs over the years. Again, don't need the government telling me what to do.

17. I have never heard this come out of his mouth. The reality is he believes we never should have had anything to do with the Panama Canal and we certainly don't need to be in control of it.

18. Interstate highways are unconstitutional. It is not written in the Constitution that the federal government has to pave roads or highways.

19. He's a libertarian, he is incapable of prejudice. He believes in the rights of the individual, not groups.

20. Same as 19.

If you truly believe everything you stated above, you deserve everything Obama is going to bring your way and the whole time Ron Paul supporters are going to be saying, "I told you so.", just like Ron Paul predicted every foreign policy and economic failure we've had in the last 20-30 years.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is the ONLY ANTI-WAR CANDIDATE. If you think killing people for oil is fine then re-elect Obama or bring in Mitt Romney. I despise needless war.

Anonymous said...

The earthis doing what its done for thousands of years. Cycles are common, it just so happens we live in an age of technology &i knowledge and can disect it.
Ron Paul is the only choice. If you disagree, keep believing all the bs thats fed to all you close minded sheep. Such a shame what the US has become.

Ryan said...

Just about every single one of these ideas are taken out of context or just completly miscontrued. Try actually listening to him speak for an extended period of time rather than taking small clips of his quotations or speeches. It helps to be able to comprehend what he is saying before spewing this sort of rubbish.

You are trying to play the whole Ron Paul as a racist just like the mainstream media. It is easy if you take his ideas out of context. Ron Paul believes in equal liberties and equal opportunities for all citizens and feels that race should not even be an issue. There shouldn't be quotas in the workplace for the amount of minorities hired. By definition making laws in favor of minorities is still racism.

And those Newsletter? Decades ago when he was confronted about them he never admitted to writing them. He just took responsibility because they were printed under his name and it wasn't a huge deal back then. Now that it is coming up again he just being stronger on the fact that it wasn't him and re-affirming that he wasn't the one responsible for writing them. I completely agree with this. Have any of you actually read them? I have read much of Ron Paul's works and watched him speak numerous times. When comparing his alleged comments with his actual writings and speeches they sound nothing alike.

Any self-respecting minority would vote for Ron Paul rather than a Democrat who would prefer to give them government handouts and keep them in a state of perpetual poverty. It is a covertly racist ideology and it is sad that it works. Ron Paul believes in their natural abilities to succeed themselves and feels the federal government doesn't need to make laws for them to get them hired in the workplace. Those laws are a huge slap in the face.

Most of these thing you say he is against he really isn't. He just believes the federal government has no right dictating those things. He is an anti-federalist who believes strongly in state rights.

And FYI evolution IS just a theory regardless of what you or myself believe. Just as creation is just a theory. Pretending to know the absolute truth is ignorant and close-minded. It was once the absolute truth that the Earth was flat and at the center of the universe.

Anonymous said...

yea no hope for the paul admin..yea a balanced budget seems real scary, or worse the renewal of our civil liberties, worse off the bill of rights being enforced, and even worse a sensible foreign policy..hes really bad when he comes to following the const and the power of the states..i mean, what is he thinking obeying his oath.....all these fed programs that create deficits and high taxes, what is he thinking try to be conservative with the tax payer money..duh, we can have the fed, in a secret room dictate how much money is put out, what interest rates should be..yea that sounds right, men in a dark room manipulating our currency..WAKE UP PEOPLE

Brandon (Ohio) said...

1/2 the stuff on that article is just ridiculous. But the other 1/2 is pretty interesting and important.

For example... It says he doesn't want to ban gay marriage, well why does it mention later that he "seems pretty homophobic" and why is that important?

A huge thing for me is the public health care thing. I need some of the laws that were passed in order to have affordable insurance or even insurance at all.

I still think he's a better cantidate than the other republicans though. I'd rather have him vs Obama than any of the others.

I think we're too afraid of change and some of his radical ideas aren't that bad if they are executed properly.

Aaron said...

Ron Paul is about ceding control of America to the wealthy. That is what Libertarianism, in its current incarnation, has become. A strong federal government serves as a framework to prevent local tin-pot dictators and strongmen from taking over and passing laws to benefit themselves and their buddies. Ron Paul's philosophy leaves this wide open. Nobody will be left to protect the poor or minorities, and that's the way Ron Paul and his Paulbots want it. They want their privilege back, and if it means dismantling the entire system just to spite those durned minorities and poor folks, well, they're gonna get it. Because what the rest of us call "white privilege," or "male privilege," or "wealthy privilege," they call, "individual rights."
What a joke. Ron Paul is about taking away rights, not restoring them.

Danny said...

Most of these 20 objections are fine with me because I understand the underlying liberty position and its proper context. This author and largely his audience will not understand this. So the most controversial examples of Ron Paul opposing government intervention in private affairs are paraded out, whereas the multitude of deeply important examples of Ron Paul opposing government intervention in private affairs are mentioned in passing. Honest progressives will find Ron Paul is AT LEAST 50/50 with Obama on most issues, perhaps more depending on one's priorities.

The Obama Administration has pursued indefinite detention of American citizens by military force (NDAA) and has for years maintained that police GPS device plants on street-parked vehicles is legal. He has now overseen the assassination of foreign nationals and US citizens without due process of law. He renewed vile provisions of the PATRIOT Act. Liberals should rightly ask, "who the fuck is this guy?"

Ron Paul has actively opposed these and many, many other assaults on personal liberty. Yet articles like this are largely in service of getting any stripe of Democrat "back in line" by demonizing any possible alternative to ongoing war, ballooning debt, and the violation of personal freedom.

Who cares if Ron Paul is personally uncomfortable around gay people? I am personally uncomfortable living in a country where the TSA gropes me and scans me, makes broad declarations of power over individual liberty, and continues funding immoral and undeclared wars of aggression. Obama and all the other GOP candidates have systemically supported unchecked government growth at home and military hostility around the world. I have my priorities straight. Some people don't. It's unfortunate but true.

I have written about this many times but it keeps getting raised, so I'll address it again. The PROBLEM with Civil Rights and Americans With Disabilities Acts are that they cede ownership of private businesses to government control. I run a video production business out of my home. Technically, I am in violation of ADA unless I construct a ramp next to the four steps from the sidewalk to my door. I could be fined for every day I do not do so. And if I ever decline to produce a video for someone and they allege that my refusal was based on their race or ethnicity, I have a difficult legal battle ahead of me. This is stupid policy.

In a free society, we should choose who we associate with. Voluntary association gives people the right to be racist, bigoted, homophobic people. But you know what, IT'S THEIR LOSS! There will be other businesses willing to serve these people and will profit greatly, monetarily and in terms of reputation, for doing so - whereas the bigoted business owner will likely suffer in the same ways. But even if they don't, it's unethical to compel someone to do business with someone else at the threat of force (which essentially underlies all government mandates).

What people fail to understand is that RON PAUL WEARS A SEAT BELT, SERVED BLACK PEOPLE DURING HIS PRACTICE, DISCOURAGES PERSONAL DRUG HABITS, AND VALUES EDUCATION. He simply believes that government mandates are not the way to solve these problems. It's a difficult concept to grasp after a childhood of government schooling. What if individuals best decided for themselves - free to succeed or fail on their own merits? The Ron Paul rEVOLution is about love for personal liberty; not necessarily electing a 76 year old Texas doctor for president - although that's a start!

Anonymous said...

Dude, there are so many inaccuracies in this article it's hard to know where to start...

Please stop spreading falsehoods...

Watch this to see the truth about Ron Paul:


YvY's Blog said...

There is a supreme power and ruling force which pervades and rules the boundless universe. You are a part of this
Prentice Mulford (1834-1891)

Reality bounce on the rhythm of luv (YvY ;)

Something's missing in all interpretations people have of this crazy reality we all try hard to decrypt and help.
Imagine if at the same time we know both whats true and false about the master interface of global human situation,
maybe some will avoid it like hell,... it will be accepted as a pure choice of freedom, connected freely and
painlessly to the collectivity, in a sens, all humans are equal and harmonized at the cosmic level, the only
difference is our disconnected perception, at the time we will allow ourselves to build starships and infinite
care of one and others, at lease life will shine at full potential, people are mutually responsable to choose and
bring their minds that can come out with essential creative ideas that cultivates its energy in the musical counscious,
the human hive.

We can have our paradise...it's only possible when love itself is enough present in everyone's heart so we can
allign to the source of each next stellar steps we gloriously take, we must be conscious how light brings clarity.
Ron Paul is not more or less than anyother being, that hierarchy thing is so sadly passed out, why do people still
eat at WakDonalds!! Its the same answer... they dont know

Stop being foolish... voting is giving power to a power avare traitor, its a life pool of minds and fielded thoughs
that is the most powerful voice, the one of all people. We must not fail to acheive that goal or else i'll be
crissement fucking mad about your lazy souls! I want those dreams to happen for all of us, no leader will bring
you those... it will be oursleves, liberated to create what life is all about.

I want to add,... please, foreget the past, forgive yourself for all you think and can remember, regain the ability
to concider the absolute capabilities of the fragile life we are preciously gifted, i love you and feel the best
for us, but inside, i feel worried if too many fails to upperstand against wrong oppressing destiny, but i hope
much more that if i know its possible, so many more knows as well and will soon bring all to know the truth.

Concider almost all aspect of reality a pure rootly constructed illusion, when the laser cuts its veil, revealing
the roots core, the cause of its ongoing reality, elevating us all to a new cultural level, money, wars,
lies policies, religions,.. all means of differenciations that disorganise our humanity,... removed, from a
unification mindset, left in ways that keeps us unite in a divinely mastered freeworld.

The only path i see.. is if everybody speak its mind against control by stoping paying tickets, gas, stupid foods,
even working for money!!! all who feels great doing what they do just go on, others change for better... first
taking commitment to the global cause of imminent change, we have to shake out so much mind dirt to enlightened
all actions we take... trustly gratefull our future story tellers will be.

Laws are meant to fall, those who remains for 1 million years will be concidered useful!

Focus positively!

Anonymous said...

As a Paul supporter, I agree that many of his positions are extreme, but that doesn't concern me all that much. He has largely backed down from many of these positions, admitting that to enact these policies over a short amount of time would bring a great deal of turbulence and misery. He's conceded that we are like an addict who needs to be weened off of a drug. Many of the extreme positions are an ideal to aspire to, but in reality we will always have a piecemeal government. That is a good thing.

Now for my concerns. Paul is very old. Old folks tend to be a little racist by our definition today - this isn't universally true, but I know of few exceptions. They also have less tolerance for alt sexuality and they tend to be more consistently religious (more fanatics today, but also more atheists). This is a real problem for me as a scientist and a rational person.
Net - I still support him, largely on the basis that our economic policy is flawed and that we ought to distribute power to local government vs. the federal government. Just like economic competition is good for the country, policy competition between the states is a good thing. More variation from state to state is the way to accelerate progress.

Anonymous said...

Why bother tearing down Paul when he'd never win a nationwide election?

Anonymous said...

i challenge anyone who reads this to then define what it would mean, if Ron became preside and did make these things come forth and be the new rights of the law. Because the way I see it, I still agree with him. This has not altered my vote in anyway, in fact it has just convinced me that those not in favor are asleep and have been for a long time, or they have already been brain washed to the extend that they have lost their own ability of freedom of personal thought and questioning. I see the people who agree that these things are lazy and scared to make a personal change in their own life, to actually earn the things they think they deserve to have for free. The only threat here to American's is that if they are lazy son-of bitches, who don't have an education, or don't take care of their own health may actually have their life endangered... Good. Survival of the strong, the smart and the healthy, improving the human race and naturally evolving... Not survival of the rich and greedy who want to rule the world that will have become dependent on health care, because e ALL of their rights have been taken away and cant heat healthy foods for survival and are dependent on the pharmaceutical for their downward spiral way of life. Do a little research, people, wise up!

Austin Scott said...

#1 The Civil Rights Act was forced integration, he believes in a free society that integration would occur naturally, albeit take longer, but make for a more agreeable society. #2 The ADA is federal legislation we don't need. If in this day and age some1 wants to discriminate against somebody with a disability, boycott that business and tell all your friends. Eventually nobody will go there. #3 Ron Paul's a doctor. He wants free market principles back in the medical field, so that it's more of a marketplace where there's competition for lower prices and better care. #4 He doesn't want to completely do away with public education, just the DOE. Notice how you got out of school and didn't know how to file your taxes or get a good mortgage? #5 global warming IS a hoax. Climate change is caused by solar temperatures, not carbon dioxide emitted by people (even though pollution sucks, it doesn't cause massive climate change). #6 evolution IS a theory. When did anyone ever say it was absolute? Look at the Sumerian creation story, written thousands of years before the Bible, eerily similar. #7 he's not against ALL regulation and safety standards. He's against the FDA though. Why? Bc they're paid off to approve certain drugs, ingredients, chemicals that literally can kill you. #8 what OBGYN isn't pro-life? But unlike the other GOP, he wouldn't enact a federal ban on abortion. He'd delegate it to the states where locals would have more say in the matter. #9 Foreign aid? WE are the ones that need aid. What about our country? We're giving millions, billions, to the Middle East yet bombing them day after day. We're taking out LOANS from CHINA to do this!!! #10 He's right. The UN is 100% a globalist group that ultimately wants to have superior power over governments. It's already happening.. look at Obama getting UN authority, not Congressional, to attack multiple countries!

Anonymous said...

“No single person, including the President of the United States, should ever be given the power to make a medical decision for potentially millions of Americans. Freedom over one’s physical person is the most basic freedom of all, and people in a free society should be sovereign over their own bodies. When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we in essence accept that the state owns our bodies.” - Dr. Ron Paul

Austin Scott said...

CONTINUED: #11 Minimum wage laws & mandating union contracts are designed to help a small segment of workers gain economic advantage while actually hurting unprotected workers. High wages are great, but if there are no jobs they become meaningless. If left to a free market, the consumer will decide which businesses thrive, and wages must go up, not because of coercive legislation but bc under the circumstances there would be competition by businesses to seek out the best workers and reward them with the best wages. #12 He believes in the 2nd amendment right to bear arms and that the ban on assault rifles was essentially bc they looked scary. #13 It does seem the Left is waging a war against Christmas. Prayer's been mandated to be taken out of public schools, even schools that want to do it. #14 THIS IS THE BEST PART OF RON PAUL!!!! The income tax was implemented when the Federal Reserve was. That is, when our money started to become worthless, they needed us to put in our share to prop up government's endless spending. If we cut spending, we wouldn't need income tax. Period. #15 He wants to set US policy so that there wouldn't be massive incentives for illegal immigration. He has backed off the fence idea quite a bit... all the others really want a fence though. #16 OSHA is kind of a mess. One part says employers are liable for the conditions of an employee's home office. With more and more people working from home these days, these federal regulations are getting intrusive. #17 Boring argument but I'll go forth. We built the Panama Canal and through a treaty, ceded it to Panama but also told them we retain the right to defend the canal from threats. Ron Paul rightly believes that if we constructed and paid for the Canal and we want to pledge military support for it, we should own it. Otherwise sell it to Panama. #18 Interstate highways ARE unconstitutional. Yeah. Bc it's true. Most of what the fed does is unconstitutional. Government money comes from private sources, it's not just created. Even when they print money that's really coming from a private source, because it's inflation. Ron Paul argues we don't need the federal government really do to anything!! If people want to get somewhere far away, there will be a state government, a rich guy, or a corporation somewhere that will build us a road for it. #19 He vehemently believes in states' rights which is where this comes in. He does believe in same sex marriage, he just doesn't think the federal government should have any authority over it. #20 And finally. The racist argument. He wants to END THE WAR ON DRUGS, which is the most racist program we have. And he's the only one that wants to do that.

Anonymous said...

You are a total moron. I have had a saying for years that stupid people shouldn't be allowed to leave the house. You've just inspired a change. Morons shouldn't be allowed to use the internet. You are so uninformed, I don't know where to begin. I hope you don't have many moron followers who think this opinion, crap article has any actual truth to it.

Nita said...

This person is soooo off the grid with facts...one glaring one is accusing Our Man Ron of 'isolationism' when in fact, IF THE N00B REALLY KNEW PAUL AND HIS POLICIES, he'd know that he is a staunch NON-INTERVENTIONIST. Totally different views. Think Switzerland (non-interventionist) with No. Korea (isolationism). See? Different. And as for all that other garbage, Ron Paul is NOT against laws and guidelines and rules....he just does NOT want them at the Federal Level. He stresses STATE LEVEL laws all the time! We are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...it is worded that way for a reason. And I like Ron's blanket statement explaining WHY things should be handled at the state level: When the federal government enacts a law and it is bad, we ALL SUFFER. When the states do the same, fewer suffer AND it can be reversed much easier than at the federal level.

Anonymous said...

wow.. this thing is a lesson in how to take things out of context and project a lot of bad info onto someone.. more than half of what this "author" is purporting is completely off base and most of what is left is half-truth. what a dick.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha. hey author you "seem pretty stupid" to "us".. ha ha you ass clown..

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot. Unplug yourself from the matrix and help us get our country back instead of trying to sabotage it. Seriously? You want to be part of the UN still... check out new world order. See how you feel then. Zombie.

Philip Inuhoff said...

Are you really incapable of discerning states authority over federal authority? Just because you are against FEDERAL intervention, doesn't mean you and all of your neighbors are going to run out and overturn abortion or welfare. The ONLY difference is a guy that lives down the street from you is now RESPONSIBLE not some clown from Rhode Island, living in DC. Therefore, when you don't like something you get ACTION and ACCOUNTABILITY! I realize as a cowardly lib, you are against accountability, but you should be honest and change the title to: "I hate Ron Paul because he wants to give me the power to take care of myself but I don't want to because I am a COWARD."

Mr. Petty said...

‎1. No he doesn't, 2. So what? 3 - 6. Me Too 7. Against FEDERAL 'safety' standards because they're easily corruptible as proven time and again - promotes private safety standards which rely on accuracy to remain relevant. 8. Actually he's not radical enough for me - he'd give states (and thereby the people in those states) the ability to legalize or outlaw abortion. 9-12. Me Too. 13. seriously? 14. Me Too - btw most experts agree, and history proves them, the income tax is the biggest burden on economic growth this country faces; he wouldn't get rid of it until after the budget is balanced. 15. Congratulations you've found one of the few policy changes ron paul has ever had. 16. So what? it would take congress to repeal this joke and they wouldn't under any circumstances. 17. You mean take back the trade lane that our country built then one idiot in power recklessly gave away? 18. Paul has defended interstate commerce clause on multiple occasions; the freeway system are a result of that clause - but they should be funded by the states they pass through not the federal government. 19. Really? The guy who says government has no place in your bedroom seems homophobic. Now you're really reaching. 20. Really? The guy who's consistently voted in favor of civil rights and who voted for martin luther king day, who - as an independent physician - treated many patients free of charge regardless of skin color, who NAACP leader Nelson Linder expressly relieved of all charges of racism... he's racist? wow.

Beastclouds said...

Thank you for posting 20 reasons that Ron Paul isn't a liberal.

Can you find 20 reasons that most liberals aren't Ron Paul?

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is a Fundamentalist Christian.

Drake said...

Gotta love the "it's all bullshit" comments from Anonymous that can't identify any bullshit.

I'll just respond to this last comment I can see.

Racism -- I can claim my greatest hero is the Pope, but that doesn't make it true. But even if he is an MLK Jr. fan, his feeling that it isn't the fed's job correlates to the idea that it also isn't the feds job to stop it either. The whole "states' rights" schtick goes back to the Civil War and is just a convenient way of saying that if there are a lot of angry white people in your state, they should be allowed to deny rights and fair treatment to minorities. There's still a lot of states that think they are fighting the civil way, I'd hate to be a minority in the south if Paul got elected.

Newsletters -- if they are in his name and he denies writing them, then he's incompetent. I wouldn't let anything be published in my name without reading it, and I wouldn't let it lay out there to be dug up before I deny it.

Global Warming -- Claiming it is simply a natural process is the same as claiming it is a hoax. You didn't even refute that. You may as well have written: "He doesn't think it's a hoax; he thinks it's a hoax" -- I would suggest you "do your fucking research" about the last time this much carbon was released into the atmosphere, how many hundreds of thousands of years it was released over, the effect, and the hundreds of thousands of years it took to recover. Or just simply be aware that what took hundreds of thousands of years to accomplish, we've accomplished "unnaturally" in about 150.

Anonymous said...

as the comments suggest, this article isn't too popular with the cult of paul. I found it to be well documented, yet they dismiss it as "lies" and continue to chant the cultish mantra. dogmatic thinking is dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Under your homophobic section, you can add that he voted in July 1999 to ban gay adoption in Washington, D.C.

SpectreWriter said...

Ron Paul dodges admitting his bigotry by saying everything is a State's Right. Is it really? Civil Rights, the BILL of Rights, is a collection of FEDERAL Constitutional guarantees. One of the most basic jobs the Federal government has is to protect citizens against the tyranny of the masses. Ron Paul would do away with that, leaving us all to fight injustices 50 times instead of invoking the Bill of Rights just once.
More importantly, though, the dodge itself is downright ridiculous. Think about it: How is leaving it to the States to make laws that deny people their freedom any better than letting the Federal government do so? He's not opposed to government controlling people, he just claims to want the Feds to be free of the obligation to do so -- perhaps because it's much easier to control uninformed people, and once a compromising law gets to the federal level, the news is all over it?
Bottom line is that Paul is not opposed to controlling you. Just the opposite, he feels you should be controlled by the States, so you will have to fight for your freedoms 50 times.
NO WAY am I voting for that clever liar.

joeybaloney said...

#1 - Ron Paul has NEVER said he would repeal the Civil Rights Act. He says he would not have supported it if he was in office in 1964. That's a significant difference. I won't go into why he wouldn't have supported it as he's explained his position on this many times but since you led with an outright fear-mongering lie I can't be bothered with the rest of your article.
One thing Ron Paul has never done is been publicly caught in a lie. You can't say the same.

archiebird said...

I say Good for him!! If he wants to turn the whole fucking government upside down in its head so we can start over! I say MORE POWER TO HIM! This gov't works for NO ONE except the corporate-owned sponsors who are bribed quarterly by revolving door lobbyists.

Anonymous said...

this is so cute. nice that you took time out from your Highlights job, but this is probably more fitting for a kiddie magazine, anyway.

it must be so hard being you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it could also be spun: Ron Paul DOES want freedom for ALL, he DOES want to abolish the Dept. of Education b/c it sucks, he DOES want to bring home many of the military personnel, he DOES want to end pointless wars and work to better Americans lives. He DOES want to end the PRIVATELY OWNED MONEY WE USE. The money we use is LENT to the government at INTEREST RATES. Do research next time instead of just reading CNN/Fox

Anonymous said...

I love reading all the crap the paultards have bought into. how about looking at his voting record before trying to sell his craziness. and voting in somebody to fuck shit up so we can win the next election is like the republicans blocking anything the democrats want to do that will help america right now so they can beat obama, NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Anonymous said...

1. He wants to repeal the Civil Rights Act...ask Martin Luther King how that legislation worked for him....."the forced integration dictated by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 increased racial tensions while diminishing... individual liberty." I didn't go to school in St Louis but I hear the busing SUCKED....forced integration didn't work...it doesn't work and you can't LEGISLATE how ppl view others, if we could then there would be no racism since we have LEGISLATION against it....and how is that working? People are racist due to upbringing....change the environment, change the behavior.....he isn't a racist, he just doesn't believe the govt can legislate how people treat each other....I think the debates have shown us that.....
2. he is against public health care....HELLO!? Our medical system is NUMBER 3 KILLER behind heart disease and cancer and ppl FREAK OUT....OH GOD! THEY ARE GOING TO GET RID OUR OUR SHITTY HEALTH CARE SYSTEM!! HOLY CRAP, I IDENTIFY MYSELF WITH MY DISEASE! WHAT SHALL I DOOOOOOOOOOO??!!....so he is right, our public health care sucks so why not get rid of what does not work? Ppl in this country like to keep what doesn’t work…..why not try to get THE BEST HEALTH CARE…..106,000 people die every year due to properly prescribed and used drugs……and NO ONE talks about it! Instead, they put on pink ribbons and walk for a cure that is usually caused by our own medical system!
3. He wants to dissolve the public education system…..I agree. Our schools are atrocious, no one can argue that. The notion that having a dept called “the educations dept” warrants being kept EVEN WHEN OUR KIDS ARE COMING OUT STUPID is ridiculous. Again, Americans would rather keep all the things that do not work because the titles of the dept strike an emotional cord in their bleeding hearts….”why its called the Dept of Education” therefore it means they are looking out for and giving us THE BEST education our money can buy (..oh wait, that money goes to war….my bad)
4. He thinks global warming is a hoax….agreed. In the 70’s they said the world was going to freeze and our Science Czar Holdren (who believes is sterilization and eugenics) led the charge back then….AHHH WE ARE GOING TO FREEZE EVEYONE GET A PARKA QUICK!!" now he has changed his mind and we are going to fry, RUH ROH!..20 more years we will be freezing again……consider that all the bombs we blow up in the atmoshpere, all the nuclear testing we have done, all the dumping corporations do, all the CAFO farms which produce more CO2 than all cars combined are caused by the govt, not you or me driving a car with some Final Net hairspray on my head….and regardless of what that fat ass Al Gore says as he flies around in his private jet burning up fuel, SCIENCE IS NEVER COMPLETE…..if it were, we would still think the earth is flat…..and we used to think it was round…now we know, it is a bit oval…..so science is ALWAYS changing…..we, the American people are not causing it…..govt and WAR and the unbelievable amount of fossil fuel we use to fight wars for the fuel we need to get to our cars is the bigger problem
5. He is radically pro-life….so what if he is. I am not pro life. He doesn’t want the govt telling women what to do with their bodies, and neither do I. leave it to the States…the idea that ALL states will out law abortion is ridiculous….some states may and some states may not…..so what? He doesn’t’ let his own morals TRUMP the Constitution……I like that. Santorum can’t be that way. He is pro life AND pro war...brown babies in other countries can die due to our indiscriminate bombing...just no killing of babies here.....

Anonymous said...

6. He wants to do away with all foreign aid….so do I. It would be better spent here…..BILLIONS go for building schools, roads and other shit our WARRING blew up….(thanks Social Security…how could we not fight these fights without all you ppl playing the Ponzi scheme…any money in the coffers? NOPE!) why do you want to continue to give aid to our enemies…..we BUY OUR ALLIES! Sadam was our buddy, our CIA trained him we sold him the gas to kill the Kurds….then the jackass wanted to change the world currency from the dollar to the Euro…..now he is an enemy……we have supported HORRIBLE DICTATORS since the 50's......why do you want your money going to that?
7. He would pull out of the United Nations….good…it seems that everywhere the UN is…there is a war….not PEACE….the UN is a joke. And yes…I know they sell it as Orwellian Good for the people and the world……but if the results of your efforts are more war, then you are a liar…..and a failure at peace
8. He's against the minimum wage……ask someone on minimum wage….”can you survive…..?” Most are still on handouts from the govt because they make more to stay home AND NOT WORK because the minimum wage isn’t a living wage…..so those who support it support ppl NOT GETTING a livable wage…….
9. He is a gun nut….I am not a gun nut but I get the point of the 2nd amendment.......it was meant to rise up against the govt…and we should……
10. He believes we're waging a war against Christmas….I am not religious…..but I don’t get WHY Christmas shit is offensive AND I don’t get why I have to say happy holidays to Muslims or jews…..it isn’t THEIR HOLIDAY...it’s Christmas…..and let’s be clear….if it were not for the consuming Christians……the stores would NOT be in the black….stores wait all year for the fourth quarter Christian holiday so they can make money….fucking bow to them!!!
11. He wants to get rid of income tax…HELL YES! All our money goes to war…..state taxes pay for schools roads etc….our FED DOLLARS GO MISSING………the govt cannot account for ANY OF IT! SO why pay it?

Anonymous said...

ask Martin Luther King how the Civil Rights Act worked for him....you are a moron........

Anonymous said...

Uh, you agree that public education is socialist? You think a basic institution, necessarily for the maintenance of a civil society and the very survival of a democratic-republic, is "socialist?" I'm sorry, you obviously have no idea what socialism is, nor, apparently, do you understand our own system of government. And I say this as something sympathetic to socialism.

Anonymous said...

liberals are gonna complain either way, the majority of the things listed are good things, and the bad things would never pass through congress, and you know that, but your liberal so you just continue to stay ignorant and don't know what you really want, all you know if you hate republican/conservatives, and you don't you don't know why that is either.

Anonymous said...

this should be deleted from the internet because its just not true, the only reason he even says half the stuff he does it to act like hes "out there" to lure in liberal votes, but yet you take the very views that majority of liberals support, and bash them because a republican candidate is saying them.

Anonymous said...

You slander Paul: you regret it.

Josh said...

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Роберт Börök said...

I'm a Ron Paul supporter but wish there would be some actual decent arguments against Ron Paul that isn't biased, emotional-based bullshit. There were a few points in this list that given Paul's stance against government involvement wouldn't mean anything if he was elected. His stance on Evolution, albeit while I may disagree with it, won't affect the way he leads. Other points are typical liberal ideals that may work in concept but would crash in the real world (as shown in other countries that use it).

Pro-universal health care? These are the same people that argue that Canada has a good system, which is incorrect. A system that has inevitably produced waiting lines that has caused deaths (and this IS true, a good Canadian friend lost both his mother and father, one due to a terminal illness and one due to an infection that wasn't treated in time). The problem with liberals is that they have this fantasy that there is a system that can allow good health care to everyone in this nation. If this nation was small and wasn't a melting pot then sure, a universal system would work. So, with that in mind, people will get sick and die due to either lack of health care or mediocre health care. So, the debate here is either privatised (offer care to the percentage that can afford it, the rest are kind of screwed) or universal (offer to everyone, diluting the health care system and making it less effective). Both are bad situations, but only one can be worked on while the other will drown in its flaws. At least with privates you can drop the price of health care if you tackle the issues that causes it to rise in the first place. You can't fix the vast patient-to-doctor ratio that causes a lower grade care in a universal system.

Роберт Börök said...


Paul may be against public education but he isn't going to abolish it. That would be going against everything he believes in. It would merely be fully under the state governments and out of the hands of the federal government. So, that just means you'll have to focus more on your state politics.

I don't back his stance against Global Warming. I do believe it exists. Simply put, if you reduce the oxygen production (trees, plankton, etc) and increase the carbon production you will create an imbalance in the molecular structure of our atmosphere and either raise or lower the global temperature over time. Yes, the world goes through phases. But that doesn't go without saying that we're contributing to quickening these phases. But it is our responsibility as people to educate, inform, and practice our beliefs, not the federal government. However, we have become so naive into thinking that these "greener" methods are actually good. Hybrid vehicles are not green, natural gas is not green, corn ethanol is green-er but is an inefficient method to obtain ethanol that is backed by an extremely corrupt aggriculture industry and is impacting the entire world's grain economy. Sadly, many that claim to be "environmentalists" are as blind as the people they fight against. And the government many back up is involved in the growth of these corrupt industries that "claim" to produce greener power and fuel.

"Do away with foreign aid." We are in a situation where we cannot even help ourselves because we try to help everyone else. We do need to keep good foreign policy because we still exist on this planet and are succumb to world politics. Complete isolation is not a good thing either. I'm always for helping people out but never at the risk of your own self-detriment. We already spend money on many other aspects, such as the war effort, a failing drug war, and many other things, that I think that international assistance is one of the last aspects to shave off the budget.

Pобеpт Bőrök said...


Gun nut? As someone in these comments already said, obvious ploy to stir emotions. Very typical liberal approach that isn't even worth writing much of a rebuttal to.

I'm not going to address everything on this article so I'll just stop there.

Again, I wish there was somewhere that had decent arguments against Paul so I can weigh out the negatives and positives accordingly. Articles like this don't provide solid, logically-based arguments. And worse yet, some of these points don't provide an argument with the understanding of Paul's stance and beliefs but addresses and amplifies surface issues.

So, I will still continue my search for a decent anti-Paul argument.

Anyone willing to point out my arguments with a rebuttal (but please, a well-thought out rebuttal, I don't debate, I discuss in order to learn and develop myself) feel free to email me. BossHossV8Cycles@excite.com

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul 2012.. whoever wrote this is just an uneducated idiot.. everyone seems like they want war but what this retard failed to me mention is that he is double the support from current soldiers and veterens than all the other candidates put together!

Tom Hillgardner said...

I am a liberal who supports Ron Paul's candidacy for the Republican nomination for president. I might even pull the lever for him against Obama in November should he win the nomination. Here's why.

Firstly, I was not ignorant of the points made by the author. However, most of the author's points ignore the limitations to the constitutional powers granted to the POTUS. If there is any candidate in my lifetime who I trust to abide by those limitations it is Dr. Paul.

Secondly, this means that even though I strongly disagree with Dr. Paul's views about abortion, he believes that this is a matter that should be left up to the states and Dr. Paul is not running for governor. If he was running for governor of any state he would not have my support. But he is running for POTUS. Moreover, the Supreme Court has declared that a woman has a constitutional right to have an abortion in the first two trimesters of a pregnancy. There is nothing any POTUS could do to change that except for appointing Supreme Court Justices when there is a vacancy, appointments that require the consent of the US Senate.

Thirdly, the accusations that Dr. Paul is racist are cheap shots. He has more empathy than any of the other Republican candidates for persons of color. His position on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is framed by his enemies as evidence of racism when it is only evidence of his principles of constitutionalism. The old newsletters are just not compelling evidence to the contrary.

Fourthly, Washington DC is out of control. It needs to be shaken up. Our elected officials do not respect the people except for that one day every now and then when we vote. The corporate and union lobbyists run our government. And while I am a liberal on social issues, I am an economic conservative. I disagree that being liberal means you have to support "big government" including the military industrial complex. Dr. Paul will shake that up while President Obama will give us more of the same. And while I disagree with Dr. Paul's ideas about global warming and environmental regulation, military spending and our situation with lobbyists has gotten so out of hand I am willing to suffer short-term setbacks on other goals to get government back in the hands of the people.

Fifthly, President Obama sold this country a bill of goods built around a promise of hope and change. It included policies on which he since has reneged such as closing Guantanamo and allowing states to regulate medical use of cannabis. In many ways he is a Democrat GWB. Running for reelection he has relished how the Tea Party has caused Republican candidates to have a conservative dialogue. There is a huge camp of "anybody but Romney" voters in the Republican Party. Knowing this Obama has been trying to run as far to the right and as close to Romney as possible since Inauguration Day. Dr. Paul has been honest about where he stands on the issues and he will do as he says if and when he enters office. Obama just does not deserve my vote because he takes my vote for granted and failed to give a forthright explanation for his changes in positions. Moreover, he and Romney are competing for the campaign contributions of the financial services industry. Obama has shown a willingness to give those dogs what they want when it comes time to campaign for office. He is doing so right now releasing banks from civil liability on their mortgage shenanigans. He has not learned anything from the Occupiers.

Finally, the liberals who do not understand the appeal of Dr. Ron Paul have not thought through the issues he can affect and those which he cannot. They accuse those who support Dr. Paul of not knowing his views. Trust me: we do know his views. But its that desperate times call for desperate measures and Dr. Paul will respect his limitation of constitutional power regardless of his views. Frankly, I wish Rocky Anderson's campaign catches fire. But absent that I may vote for Dr. Paul if he has a chance to beat Obama in the general election.


Anonymous said...

a whole lot of people who are for ron paul seem to be as narrowly focused as the bible thumpin right, only they just want marijuana (and guns) instead of creationism (and guns), and everyone against choice (i guess libertarianism doesn't extend to women...quelle surprise...)

Anonymous said...

I seriously don't understand how American's can be so naive and believe that 'the system will sort itself out' when federal regulations and departments are removed.

Not everyone has their fellow man's best interests in mind. People will abuse and further corrupt out society. Ron Paul's plans will completely devastate America.

Anonymous said...

I think 12 is the only thing I sort of agree with him on. I don't think we should ban assault weapons because they're generally not used as weapons. Automatic weapons are hard to get and they require extensive background checks. Include this fact with the I believe that all gun sales should require at least some form of background check and possibly safety certifications involved. Definitely safety certifications for any class 3 firearms. Criminals aren't going to go through legal channels to acquire a firearm of this nature, and most couldn't afford it regardless. Basically, I think what we need to focus on is regulation, not removal. Besides, a semi-automatic carbine is just as deadly as any so-called "assault weapon".

Anonymous said...

Minimum wages DO create unemployment. People are laid-off when the value they add does not meet the money they are being paid. Forcing wages upward (without a rise in productivity) would thus cause more lay-offs. As a thought experiment, imagine if the minimum wage was raised to $30/hour. Then imagine all the jobs which do not produce $30/hour of value. They would simply be eliminated.

However, minimum wages DO increase the living standards of people *with* low-paying jobs if the rise in wage is not high enough to outstrip the value they add. The minimum wage benefits many at the great expense of others who would lose their jobs. The question is thus, "Would increasing the living standards of many people earning low wages off-set the decline in living standards of people whose jobs would be eliminated by the increase in minimum wage?"

There is probably a "sweet spot" wage price that allows for a fair wage without causing too much unemployment. The solution to combat poverty is thus not "minimum wages should be higher" nor "minimum wages should be lower". The answer is "minimum wage should be set at the sweet spot that allows a fair wage without eliminating too many jobs." This may require lowering it or raising it, depending on where the sweet spot is.

Anonymous said...

Here's the thing, why would any liberal support Obama? Obama has continued our policiy of endless war, blocked all attempts to hold Bush accountable for war crimes, blocked all attempts to hold bankers accountable for crashing the world economy, has illegally used our military in Libya, has inacted indefinite detentions, the world wide torture regime, and executed Americans without due process. Nothing too liberal there.

Here's the thing with Paul, there's no way he's going to repeal the Civil Rights Act, do away with public education, etc. Congress won't let that through. But he COULD put an end to abuses of executive power, start to end the corruption in our political system, and open the dialogue about our pursuit of empire. Doesn't sound too bad to me... ;-)

Richie's Political Rant 2021 said...

So, here is the deal. All 20 items listed are twisted so far out of proportion and context to deliberately mislead. The question you have to ask yourself is whether or not any of the three stooges (Romney, Gingrich, or Santorum) have a plan to really change government, reform the IRS, and reduce the massive debt and spending? All three of them support "shaving" a trillion over ten years which is peanuts, a few grains of sand really, in terms of our spending appetite. We borrow more than a trillion dollars every year! Reducing the amount we borrow by $100B per year? Give me a break. We can continue to support the stooges the GOP floats and go to war and nation build, send billions in foreign aid to other countries (where it goes only to the dictator), and continue to run our country in the ground. In 08 Ron Paul got about 8% of the vote in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. In 2012 those numbers are profoundly up to near 20%. The numbers will be even larger in more liberal open caucus/primary states. Ron Paul is going to pull in a huge number of delegates in 12. If he doesn't win the nomination he will control a huge number of delegates and will exact a pound of flesh in policy for them!

Anonymous said...

Do most people not realize that there are links up there that you click on, that take you either to: a corraborating article or video, or his own website? Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha whoever wrote this is more full of shit than a colostomy bag.

Anonymous said...


Jessica said...

I agree with him that our public education system is completely screwed and fundamentally flawed. It DOES need to just be shut down. The rest - eeeek!

Anonymous said...

Another liberal who is opposed to Ron Paul because of a few trivial issues. You know Obama promised a series of reforms only to become an extension of the Bush Presidency. So maybe Ron Paul, if elected, would be the President that Obama was too of a coward to be.

JBlair said...

This is some of the most false and misleading information I've seen. This article is straight up propoganda by those who favor the establishment. The establishment, whether you like it or not, is not FOR the public's best interests. Ron Paul is. Instead of reading this propoganda, take a moment to go directly to the source - listen to him speak. His ideas have so much common sense that you'll wonder how you ever voted for an establishment president.

Anonymous said...

It was funny during the last election when people (mostly liberals) would tell me that they were either going to vote for Obama or Ron Paul. I would just stare at them and point out that, on most issues, they were complete ideological opposites.

Oh, well. In response to your article, I would like to point out that:
1) There are other means to regulate and run programs besides the federal government. Just because you don't believe that the federal government should be running a program doesn't mean that you hate the program.
2) We're racking up an incredible amount of debt as a country and this is one of the only men in congress that is willing to fight against that in a real way that, yes, involves sacrifice.
3) Liberty ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

This article shows a lack of foresight and more idealism than pragmatism and realism. I'm liberal, but I'm also not a pussy, or blinded by the current politically correct paradigm. If you'd actually vote for Obama again...you should no longer be allowed to vote. At least Ron Paul has a chance of being better and that's what our country needs: a chance.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone do research anymore?

slbarr said...

He's the best thing that's happened to American politics since this country was founded.

I agree with him on everything except his pro-life position and his views on evolution.

Ron Paul 2012!

Anonymous said...

i agree with 4, 9, and 12 so RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT 2012

Vince said...

Gotta love how all of the hate-filled, inflammatory, and negative comments here insulting either the article or its author are posted under "Anonymous".

Katherine said...

Paulbots are scary! o_O

Anonymous said...

i agree with 4, 9, and 12 that why i think RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT 2012

Freddie said...

Almost no liberals support Ron Paul. What we say is that he is far superior to Obama on foreign policy and civil liberties, and that having his voice in the national debate is valuable because these are issues on which Democrats simply will not fight, for anything, ever. The constant efforts to change the subject away from the singular shame of the Obama administration-- it's reprehensible treatment of Muslims-- is just that. Changing the subject, as you're doing here.

Corey said...

We can chose to live in a country:

where in one state you can marry a person of a differnet color but then not in another

where a person can carry a concealed gun in one state, then get caught in a bar fight an shooting someone in another in a state that doesnt allow concealed weapons

where you can marry the person you love and raise a family in one state, but on vacation, one of the parents is killed and the other parent and children are not allowed to be with the parent while dying in the hospital

where in one state a 13 year old girl is raped by her blood related father, then forced to go through the pregnancy and forced to give birth even if it will kill her, and in another, she can legally be protected by dad the rapist and counciled on her options about her decision she needs to make about the situation she is in, and not told she has no say in the matter

where u can go to a doctor that has a licence to practice in your state, but lost that right in 10 others (this actually happens all the time)

where one religious organization can make tax payers fund everything they do from teaching about the terrorist they believe gays and Muslims are, or in a state that treats all people equal, forcing noone to fund one religion, just as Thomas Jefferson was against and got stopped as much as he could around the time our countries Constitution was being created

where in one state, books about the history of the USA are banned, and in others, children in public schools are educated as they should be; with all the facts


The "statists" lost the civil war, and I think they need to be constantly reminded why this is. "United" does not mean "United Sometimes"

Corey said...

We can chose to live in a country:

where in one state you can marry a person of a differnet color but then not in another

where a person can carry a concealed gun in one state, then get caught in a bar fight an shooting someone in another in a state that doesnt allow concealed weapons

where you can marry the person you love and raise a family in one state, but on vacation, one of the parents is killed and the other parent and children are not allowed to be with the parent while dying in the hospital

where in one state a 13 year old girl is raped by her blood related father, then forced to go through the pregnancy and forced to give birth even if it will kill her, and in another, she can legally be protected by dad the rapist and counciled on her options about her decision she needs to make about the situation she is in, and not told she has no say in the matter

where u can go to a doctor that has a licence to practice in your state, but lost that right in 10 others (this actually happens all the time)

where one religious organization can make tax payers fund everything they do from teaching about the terrorist they believe gays and Muslims are, or in a state that treats all people equal, forcing noone to fund one religion, just as Thomas Jefferson was against and got stopped as much as he could around the time our countries Constitution was being created

where in one state, books about the history of the USA are banned, and in others, children in public schools are educated as they should be; with all the facts


The "statists" lost the civil war, and I think they need to be constantly reminded why this is. "United" does not mean "United Sometimes"

Anonymous said...

lol you are all fucked if this guy becomes president

RockheadedMama said...

Try being disabled, required to appear in an old court that has only stairs, and you have no one to carry your wheelchair up the stairs - so they throw you in jail because you "failed to appear." It's happened to quite a few people before the Americans with Disabilities Act came into existence.
Ron Paul is a complete nut job. He could do a LOT of harm when it comes to women's right, since the right is currently so invested in accomplishing just that...

Anonymous said...

Why can't I post this to my wall?

Anonymous said...

RON PAUL SUCKS ASS!!!! StupiDS LOVE HIM......there's nothing you can do about it. Just realiZE he's not going to win and let them continue to think he's great and vote for him. "YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID"...OBAMA 2012! "THE END"....

Anonymous said...

This shit sounds like a poorly written, very biased, and very judgmental article. whoever wrote it can suck on a ball sack.

Anonymous said...

All I can do is laugh! You are so far off the mark its comical. As Anonymous said: Do your fucking homework.... and save the hatred for your preschool buddies. If you are not part of the solution (which you definitely are not), then you are part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Paul has been accused of having regular meetings with Stormfront.org site owner Don Black at an Arlington Thai food restaurant. He also used to be in with the radical anarcho-capitalists at George Mason University. He may look good when compared against the other candidates on certain issues, but Mr. Paul is far from the saving grace many conservatives and libertarians make him out to be.

Cara said...

What I find incredibly amusing is that there are actually people who defend this lunatic.

Anonymous said...

People who support this batshite crazy old man don't deserve to call themselves Americans.

Anonymous said...

All this did was make me like Ron Paul more. I agree with pretty much everything that was posted. Let states be sovereign, dictate their own laws, and set their own taxes. Why is this a bad thing?

Anonymous said...

Check some of the sources the author of this article is citing. He actually links to blogs of other strange and irrational people.

I can appreciate someones ability to find ways to criticize any political candidate, but most of this is either hearsay, opinion or just a total misrepresentation.

Most of what Ron Paul believes is hinging on the idea that "If you want it, go get it" Everything from healthcare to jobs. He simply wants to get the fuck out of your way.

He doesn't want to make abortion a crime, you knucklehead, why would he vote against it if he did? All he says is he wont allow it outlawed federally, but he also wont force states to do the same. To be fair, the powers assumed by the federal government have made local and state government less valuable.

If you still lived in a country where state and local government mattered, you would go to all those town/city council meetings and you would write your Senator every other day. We all email every day, why don't we attack our representatives? Because we think it won't matter, and as long as the federal government goes swinging its cock around, that's just the way it will remain.

If you want change, go make it, Ron Paul will let you. Everyone assumes he will act like a dictator, like the last 5 presidents.

Anonymous said...

First off, the reason there are so many "anonymous" posts should be fairly obvious to anyone who's being intellectually honest. People don't like to share their personal information with forums they have otherwise never heard of. Duh.
Which brings me to my next point. Regardless of what "side" you've been convinced that you're on, this article is intellectually dishonest and shows obvious signs of being intellectually dishonest on purpose. There are (at least) 18 statements made in this post that are either blatant misrepresentations or half-truths.

"He wants to completely disband the Environmental Protection Agency" - False. If you read beyond the hysterical cry for internet attention that is this article, and perhaps investigate only slightly beyond the silly rhetoric, you'll find that he does not want to abolish the EPA, but re-structure it in such a form that allows land (both public and private) to be defended from any and all property damage, including pollution. He believes that, yes, you should be able to sue a gas company for poisoning your water supply with fracking chemicals, for example, and/or take necessary actions against them to protect your property before it becomes polluted/damaged/poisoned. The same applies to public land, which he sees as a possession of the American people and subject to all laws preventing damage to the property of others. Think about it. Why can these companies be allowed to continue to get away with destroying and polluting and poisoning the environment? BECAUSE THE EPA HAS GIVEN THEM A PERMIT TO DO SO. Literally. Ron Paul's position is that NO ONE (not even the so-called EPA) can give a private company permission to destroy anything that belongs to someone else, i.e. the American people (or you... or me...)

"He has argued against the Food and Drug Administration, which makes sure pharmaceuticals are safe to take." - Oh really? Is that what the FDA does? Yeah, they're great, they allow the manufacturers of the poison pills and foods to create genetically modified animals and plants for human consumption (with no disclosure labels necessary), they allow drugs onto market whose safety and efficacy are supported solely by "studies" supplied by their manufacturers (which often go on to kill and maim, but FDA approval allows for many forms of liability protection that make sure the killers who supplied the poisons pay only fines and continue to do business as usual that afternoon...) Again, you know why you've been drinking BPA for years and your daughter went into puberty at 10 years old from all the hormones crammed into chicken, beef, and milk? BECAUSE THE FDA GAVE A COMPANY A PERMIT TO DO SO.

Anonymous said...

Many of you, after calming down from the knee-jerk reactions incited by this ill-informed (and suspiciously misleading) "article" know full well that what the FDA REALLY does is arrest Amish for selling raw milk, shut down organic co-ops, and provide "cover" for industry when it poisons people, often to death.

Anyhow, there are so many falsehoods and misleading statements in this article (my second count has now revealed at least 5 more, grand total so far: 23) that I suggest anyone who actually believes the premise should examine a few things...

#1 - Your self-respect.
Are you really willing to allow such blatant partisan nonsense to inform your thoughts and choices? You owe yourself far better. I am in no way trying to convince anyone to vote for Ron Paul here. I probably wont. But I can tell you that you owe it to yourself to research these things beyond 20 second youtube clips and politically motivated blog posts, because you'll find that articles like this one are trying to convince you (just as hard as the right-wing tries to convince you) that you need more of the same, radical ideas are ridiculous, local control is absurd, you can't be trusted to be a good, decent, fair human being without someone threatening you with violence, corporations need welfare (thanks for showing your true colors on that one, Obama... Let's not forget NDAA as well, eh?), etc.

#2 - Results
The man in the White House promised it all. And has lied to you on every one of those issues. Guantanamo is still open. We are still in Iraq (regardless of what you've been fed, we have the largest base in the world in Baghdad, with over 50,000 contractors who aren't going anywhere any time soon). We are still in Afghanistan. We are threatening Iran with war and murder. Pakistan, Yemen, Syria. The list goes on. Murdering people on the other side of the planet from the sky is still very much our policy, and now the president (or the next one, or the next one) has legal precedent to do just that to Americans they deem "dangerous". There are so many examples of this silly left-right paradigm con-job that it's almost a waste of time (or at least data bits) to attempt to list them, AND YOU KNOW IT.

Hell, I haven't even mentioned how much money Bush and Obama have borrowed against YOU and literally handed off to international mega-banks to ensure they wouldn't have to suffer the consequences of paying their gambling debts... But these presidents have sure made an effort to ensure those very same companies are even more profitable today, as you can see when you watch the "news" to take your mind off the foreclosure notice that came in the mail today and all the black-uniformed storm troopers who will arrive soon enough to make damn sure you aren't trespassing on the bank's property (which used to be your house, and you've already paid 80% of it off...)

Look, I'm not telling you who to vote for. I'm suggesting that you'll know who to vote for when you start looking past the "hysteria about nothing" that is today's news cycle and realize that they want you arguing and misrepresenting the facts about opposing factions because it keeps you yelling at your neighbor (who you have more in common with than you think, even if they are "opposite" from you, politically) while they secretly clean out the cash registers and make it look like YOU did it!

Bottom line: Lame. Intellectually dishonest. Misleading and unfair. Hope you don't fall for it without researching on your own... And hope you don't get indefinitely detained.

Peace. (but for real, though.)

Anonymous said...

If I turned in a research paper with no citations I would get an F. Only sheep don't fact check.

Anonymous said...

Hah not reading any of these comments dont care got to number 5 and saw that whoever the fuck wrote this shit is obviously some kind of douche bag American who thinks everything is gonna be great with these fucking puppets we have in the gov that are being run more by wall st and the money in there own pockets than by us the people. Sorry but the only reason he wants to do away with half the shit you mentioned No.3&4 education and health care are industrial complexes making money for the gov, they dont need control of it states can control health care but school wtf whose to say the gov controls what it is me or my kids if I had any are to learn about fucking stupid. No.1&2 Do impose upon civil liberty, no i dont agree with those douche bags but its true. He's trying to get back the the way our country was before we had all these stupid money and power hunger lobbyists in our gov. No.5 never heard that No.6 Never heard that (been following him since 2008 cocksucker) No.7 He wants to do away w/ TSA that's it why because aviation security does not need to be a part of the fed gov. Just a waste of money and yes when i fall out of the sky cause a terrorists hijacked my plane I wont care i'd rather that then spend millions of dollars on something ridiculous thats a waste of tax payer money (oh wait you technically dont have to pay those ;)) No.8 If your raped its a diff story but if you just went out hd sex and accidentally had a baby oops dont fuck up girls nowadays are too fucking slutty for there own good due to our fucked up media. No.9 Hit it on the head not, he just doesnt wanna start another bullshit war over phantom nuclear weapons "Israel can defend themselves" this country needs to start focusing on ourselves and stop worry about everyone else and what they might be doing. No.10 the documentation is out there look it up the European Union is a total gov of Europe and it is soon to be a global gov. dont have to believe me but when you gotta check your ID at the end of your st to leave your neighborhood or to open your bathroom door to take a shit I'll be laughing at you a world gov is coming and its not going to be good. not reading any further you are the lowest piece of shit and I hope the eugenics movement that the World gov (New World Order) is planning on unleashing to cut numbers in pop. hits you first. Oh btw he's not racist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Rv0Z5SNrF4 watch that fucking two party loving faggot

Toaster said...

Well, when you put it THAT way... :p

So much for fantasizing that maybe just one of these "walking disasters" (as you so helpful put it!) might have something intelligent to say.

Anonymous said...

Despite the obvious biased smear campaign, these are all reasons to vote for Ron Paul.

Anonymous said...

anyone who agrees with the writer of this article is a fucking idiot.

Anonymous said...

This is so poorly written, it is clear you do not have a clue about what Dr. Paul stands for.

Anonymous said...

Yes practically everything the federal government does that is not prescribed in the Constitution is by definition un constitutional and illegal. The federal Dept of Education for example which is a dept the fedferal govt created has really not improved education 1 wit.
Bottom line anything that the federal govt does with the exception of the military and courts is destructive to our republic IF YOU DONT LIKE MY VIEW GREAT!

Anonymous said...

RON PAUL 2012!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading a few pro paul responses, and I still don't understand how they might think his ideas are viable for a society of our size. I get that some people don't like being forced to comply with laws... But that's kind of the theory American was based on: the founding fathers based their beliefs partly on the works of Rosseau, who talked of a 'social contract'. The spirit of this pact states that in order to reap the benefits of society, you have to play by it's rules. So by being so anti-government, Ron Paul is actually very unpatriotic

John said...

You can't even get some of the most basic ideas down, like that he's not an isolationist for starters. Isolationists aren't for free trade with other nations...

He's not for Don't Ask, Don't Tell anymore, that video is old. He was one of the few Republicans who actually voted to repeal it. Even a basic Wikipedia search would have pulled that up.

I'm not going to bother with anything else since most of it is distorted, not well researched or false.

Anonymous said...

A lot of Ron Paul supports are attacking this article ("rubbish!", "lies!", "all wrong!", etc.) But so far no one has actually pointed to any factual inaccuracies in the article. In fact the article links directly to its references, many of which are in fact Ron Paul's own writings. Could those of you attacking the article please point to any alleged mistakes?
The fact that no one has done so far points to the sycophantic, cult-like nature of the Ron Paul establishment. Rather than focusing on the facts, most Paul supporters are making comments along the lines of "u fucking suck, whoever wrote this", "Who's the idiot that wrote this blog.. Its no wonder our country is going to hell" or, my favorite, "Ron Paul, It is only because he is the only man willing enough to do what he's doing, risking his life against power-mongers to bring truth and peace to YOU". This level of discourse speaks to the lack of maturity and intellectual bankruptcy of the Ron Paul movement.

Anonymous said...

So much argument. I find it interesting that people think just because the writer doesn't support Ron he automatically supports the liberal candidate. This is the problem with our party system. People are so concerned with the labels and names of parties that they don't pay attention to the issues. Truth be told, if there were NO MORE LABELS people alliances would fall into categories that do not exist. You'd have to take some of every candidate and make one SUPER candidate. 99% of people don't know anything about politics, but they LOVE to run their mouths about it. Why don't you just sit back, take in the information and then decide. I'd also to see a campaign run were we could ONLY see the candidates political platforms. You don't get to hear the candidate speak, see them, touch them. A lot of decisions are also made because people identify with someone in various ways (heritage, religion, etc.) and this makes them biased!

Anonymous said...

This article is utter crap. You are destroying our society.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is not a libertarian. A real libertarian is pro-choice. A real libertarian is for decriminalizing drug use. A real libertarian would make gambling legal federally instead of using this tired "states' rights" excuse to dodge every question he's asked. You want to vote for a real libertarian? For a Washington outsider who balanced his state's budget? One of 4 states out of the entire union and who was re-elected in a state where liberals outnumber conservatives 2 to 1? Vote Gary Johnson. He's running for the Libertarian party. He's not a racist cult leader who is supported by people who refuse to question their pro-life fanatic of a candidate:

Anonymous said...

You are a fuck wit - who has no idea what the fuk u are saying. And you are ONLY saying this shit because of how important ans POPULAR that man is... Sure if your happy with your government wanting to know everything u do and spend. And your happy to pay these (current fukwits ) to waste all your money. Go ahead and continue the way your going.

Jarl Von Hoother said...

"He wants to enforce the constitution. Which the past one hundred presidents haven't."

That must be quite a list--not just Lincoln, Washington, Madison, Jefferson, and the less well-regarded Presidents, but 56 people who were President in some parallel universe, because in this one we've only had 44.

If this is the level of argument we can expect from Mr. Paul's fans, they're his worst enemy.

Alan Trinca said...

1. the civil rights act is irrelevant in this day and age. blatent racism is over and whatever less obvious racism that's around will exist with or without the bill. just to note though, our government initially created the racism with the introduction of the jim crowe laws... so yea, he'd be against them too. 2. people (and especially businesses) discriminate americans with disabilities all the time, no federal law can change that, sad truth. 3. in regards to health care, as a doctor in the field working with medicine both before and after the implementation of a central health care dptmt, ron paul believes it should be funded by the states (ya know, that thing called the constitution used to have a major roll in our history). having seperate health care providers not linked to the government would increase competition among the providers, demanding better and less expensive care (theoretically). 4. you know, there was a time that education was not federally mandated. contrary to what the article says, he simply believes the states should handle education individually so that the education of students is not limited to whatever curriculum the federal government mandates. and it's time to be honest with ourselves, both of these departments are flat out BROKE. 5. contrary to popular belief (and what this article says), he believes global warming is real but that it is something that has been gradually happening for many many years and that the human race is only partially responsible... all in all, he believes it is blown way out of proportion. big deal. 6. the theory of evolution... "theory" of evolution. and who cares? non-issue. 7. this one is literally a lie, he believes these are state issues. 8. haha had to laugh at this one... "radically pro-life" huh. same answer as above, he believes this is a state issue. but yes, as a doctor who delivered over 4,000 babies, he personally does not believe in abortion. 9. i love it when these guys refer to him as an isolationist... there is a difference between an isolationist and a non-interventionist. rather than use military force, he wants to befriend nations and talk to them, unlike the other candidates who are hungry for a war with iran... the propaganda is in full swing. "they are threatening to close the straight which is an act of war!... but what we aren't telling you is we've placed a baracade on them which is in itself an act of war, shhh!" (the media). we are occupying over 130 countries around the world and if you want to believe that we are "helping" everyone, maybe you should listen to the soldiers who donate more money to ron paul than all the other GOP candidates combined... oh yea, and more than obama too. 10. the UN is essentially useless... when we get their consent to attack someone, we do it, when we don't get consent, we do it anyways. this wilson guy's on a roll.

Alan Trinca said...

11. there is another side to minimum wage and MANY ppl (not just ron paul) believe it would actually decrease unemployment.. i suggest the author do some more research. 12. second amendment- "the right to keep and bear arms". enough said. 13. the governmet has made it a law to restrict people from saying merry christmas. that is an infringement on our right to free speech. 14. the income tax was created to pay the interest to the federal reserve bank for printing our money. we don't need it. he is not, however opposed to states increasing or decreasing specific taxes (starting to see a trend?) 15. bigger picture with the border is he believes that if we bring troops home, we can use them to secure the borders very easily. case closed. 16. decide this by states. 17. this actually isn't true. we pull our troops from the canal but if our national security is threatened, we declare war (a concept unpracticed by recent presidents) and do what we must. 18. because they are. essentially interstate highways are to be agreed upon by the states they run through. 19. haha homophobic... he believes he has no right to tell other people how to live their lives and that gay marriage is a state issue, not a federal one. whew, and finally 20. he wants to end the drug war, which unfairly discriminates against all minorities... prohibition didn't work, this isn't either. he's not racist.

Anonymous said...

Stopped reading this pile of garbage after he said "He believes we're waging a war on Christmas" when he clearly stated that the current gov't is so secular that it is threatening to dismiss even Christmas. Stop trying to spin his words into making him a villain, he wants to bring power back to the states, where they belong.

Anonymous said...

I like rabbits .support bugs bunny

Anonymous said...

for the good Dr Paul to want to take this elementary abuse for uninformed [subjects]amazes me.Us citizens will stand behind a real American.Do not come to my house when you don't have food like Russia.Americans have guns lots of them.

Anonymous said...

its so sad to see how fucking stupid so many of you are. ron paul wants to cut everything out, let american be "free" and make their own decisions. Sounds nice, but there is a reason regulations exist. there is a reason for laws. sstop being so fucking naive, the people of this country are not on the same playing field, they never started out that way, if you remove all regulations then you simply open up the oppertunity for business owners and people who have capital to being with(many times inherited) to exploit their workers to fullest extent possible. Shit, even with all the regulations in place now, the blue collar worker in america is exploited beyond belief. if you really think ron paul is what this country needs your out of your fucking mind. It is completely unreasonable to expect all regulation to be lifted and everything to change for the better, its astonishing that people can even consider this. It is 2012, times change, situations change and thus laws and regulation should follow suit. Talk about over compensation, all the past presidents have fucked things up(including Obama, but damn did Bush leave his mark...), but to say hey lets cut EVERYTHING, the classic mistake over-compensation. stop being so fucking stupid people...

Anonymous said...

Wow what a bunch of trash, he basically gave his reasons and didn't even explain mostly if not anything that Ron Paul supports. Cool story bro.

Forrest said...

Ron Paul is a goon and Paulites groupies are a freaky cult, calling people who see through RPs libertarian mumbo-jumbo brainwashed, while they themselves sounds like zombies. Trolling for anti-Paul posts then swarming like mosquito. Do you have anything better to do that post hundreds of RP love letters. Get a job, some exercise, or a hobby, seesh. Socialize, then you might not be so anti-people.

While some libs/progressives may be captivated on RPs war on drug stance, or military stance. These are two areas that the executive office seems to have little power to reign. Shit Obama tried to close Guantanamo, with overwhelming popular court, but the shithead conservatives (Dwms and GOPs) stopped it.

He wasn't to bring the US back to the 1890's were big business is free to do what it wants. To shit on the workers, destroy the environment. Back in the Taft presidency, they didn't have pro-poor programs to dismantle. A RP presidency will be the most institutionally anti-poor presidency ever. He would focus on dismantling all the programs that help the poor. do, they've help me and my family. And many other I know. Our freedoms are no less because of those programs.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part about nearly every comment bashing this article is that they all amount to "Hurr durr ur wrong but I'm not gonna explain how. Brainwashed liberal hurr durr."

The rest of us, who are actually reasonable, know why you won't counter these points: You CAN'T. There is no counter-argument to established, proven facts.

Michael Hardie said...

All valid points about why Ron Paul should not be supported by liberals. But all moot. Ron Paul WON'T be President. He won't even be in the race much longer. And he is no threat as a 3rd Party candidate. At least, not to Obama.
Plus, I only need one reason to dismiss both Pauls. I believe the Federal government absolutely and logically has the right and the responsibility to redistribute wealth from all sectors in order to best organize the society for everyone. The Pauls don't.
The irony of people who say they are against "redistribution of wealth" is that they ignore the fact that this IS the funtion of government and has always been (and will always be). It is the MAIN THING that governments, all governments, do. The question is only HOW to redistribute the wealth.
And it seems that EVERYONE is in favor of the government redistributing the wealth in THEIR direction.
In short, at the core of MY belief in America is the idea that Government has a role. A major role to play. I don't disagree with those on the right who want to LIMIT government as much as possible. I am not a communist. But to deny the role of government in our lives seems completely naive and disingenuous to me. And, ultimately, self destructive.

Anonymous said...

You will all get your chance to fulfill your wildest racist dreams when RP runs as a third party candidate ! His interpretation of the constitution makes perfect sense for 18th century America, and he will endeavor to get you all there ! If you want personal freedoms clear of government interference, figure out who you will call in case of natural disaster, fire, flood, hurricane, tornados etc. Remember , you have no fire, police, or military to rely on without taxation to pay for them ! And don't forget that you will be relying on free medical service provided by a pro bono service !

toxictown said...

Ok, I can't even get into it with the Ron Paul worshipers that belive him a god but...let's just hit one point: If we abolish the Federal Government and turn all regulation over to the states - how does that actually change anything? So we have 50 annoying versions of a regulation to keep track of instead of 1.

Anonymous said...

Hey folks, do yourselves a favor and check out these two videos before anyone else starts spreading rumors about Dr. Ron Paul being racist.


The reason he is pro-life is because he truly cares about each individual. All of his policies are meant to empower you, the individual. Not the super corporations and mega banks that Obama receives campaign donations from. Corporations and banks such as JP Morgan Chase & Co, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, IBM, Google, Microsoft, and even the US Government! Where did the bailout money go? Wake the fuck up and follow the money!

David said...

If you werent such a liberal asshole you would actually dig deeper and see why he wants all this and his other plans in place you hippy liberal douche

Anonymous said...

You are clearly a moron who listens to the mainstream media...And splitting up the population into separate parties is an absolute sham which does its job in dividing the people so that they will never get the government back because they will be bickering about similar non-sense which you have brought up. What about our unsustainable debt and a currency which is about to fall flat on its face?

Yeah, your Fox News doesn't mention this do they? Turn off your TV and do some research before you give your worthless opinion, it's dangerous to "inform" people when you yourself are completely uninformed.

Anonymous said...

1) He has never said he would want to repeal the Civil Rights Act. He merely explained how it never
really helped the people it was intended to help.

2) Same for the Americans With Disabilities.

3) He is against public health care because the government has fucked up the educational system, post office, the DMV
and SS. Why should they screw with your health? He's a doctor and gave many services for free.
If we weren't in such debt, poor people could get medical care and no one would go without.

4) Public education should be taken out the hands of the government. There is nothing in the
Constitution that says it is supposed to run it. As a teacher for 35 years I can tell you that
they are not teaching kids skills anymore, but brainwashing them for the UN's one world
government. Our kids should not be subject to these radical left wing anti-American political

5) Global Warming IS a hoax.. Where have you been? One world government proponents admit
that it's the ruse to institute the one world government, which if you believe in, you are nothing but
a slave in the mode of Orwell and Toffler.

6) Who cares about evolution? You could argue about this all day and does it matter one bit? Nope.

7) He is not against ALL safety standards and a lot of them should be left up to the states.

8) Abortion is murder. And the targets are often black babies. Are you a racist? Ron Paul delivered many
black babies for free and treated their mothers for free because he's a kind man who protects ALL LIFE.

9) Why should we prop up communist dictators in other countries? We are in huge debt here and it's going to
be on the young people. You won't have a chance to succeed. We'll be reduced to a third world country.
If you want to donate to countries who have experienced disasters you can do it through private means like
your church or club.

Anonymous said...

10) The UN is hotbed of communism. He is exactly right on this one. If you want to lose everything our founders
fought for, go right ahead. STUPID!

11) Regulation the minimum wage stifles competition and creates less jobs. Bad for the economy.

12) The US Constitution provides for the right to keep and bear arms. Period. Your car is likely more
dangerous and more likely to hurt someone than your gun. Plus if you are not able to be armed,
how do you protect yourself against criminals, including the government?

13) I think we already see the thing about Christmas. In some places you can't celebrate Christmas,
but you can only worship the winter solstice. I know, I was told to do that in the public schools.

14) Taxation is theft. How much money do the criminals in government need to keep our country armed and safe
and protect our life and property? Those are the only two things they are charged with... they have been
handing our money overseas to their banker friends. What's to stop them from taking 99% of your pay and giving you
back nothing?

15) Let's face it, Americans can't just go to Canada or Mexico and start working. NO OTHER COUNTRY would allow
what we currently allow. Mexico is even claiming that due to the large number of illegals that populate the south western
states, they 'own' that land. We'd be disallowed work and tossed from Canada, and even jailed and killed and tortured in Mexico if we ever
dared to try to pull anything like that! Why should America be everyone's dumping grounds? Sorry.

16) OSIA. See above on regulations.

17) I can't answer on the Panama Canal, but I am not sure why we gave it up.

18) You're right. Pretty much everything the federal government does is unconstitutional. And we have states rights for a reason.

19) Once again it proves most people don't get states rights. I have seen Paul get accused of being homophobic on one hand,
and yet on the other, accused of wanting to push the homosexual agenda on people. You can't have it both ways. But you can
deal with it properly within the parameters of the Constitution. It is a states rights issue. Paul himself has been married 55 years,
and I doubt he encourages the gay agenda. But he recognizes that gay people are not sick, not mental and should be left alone
to live in freedom as well. There is no provision in the Constitution for a ban against same-sex marriage.

20) This is baloney. He was not the editor of those newsletters and at worst, those comments were politically incorrect.
Political correctness is killing us, and if you remember, those people that flew the planes into the buildings were illegals
who attended flight school, but were not going to become commercial pilots. But no one ever looked into that???

The person who wrote this is a liberal, and not very bright. Unless liberalism means you like slavery and
a government state that controls everything you do. Further, please stop thinking of supporting Ron Paul
because you are not for Freedom, American and personal Sovereignty. You are for big gov't and communism.

Just go away.

- Teacher

Anonymous said...

Before you accept this as the truth (which it isn't) check out:


This is all just propaganda by people that don't care about us 99%.

I'm voting for Ron Paul !!! The only one willing to face the truth to what's wrong with America.

W. Reynolds said...

It's no wonder no one signed their name to this piece of garbage.

Anonymous said...

More false statements written by either ignorant people that don't know Ron Paul or people that want to see him fail for the wrong reasons. Shame on you. Ron Paul has my vote.

ScaredOfSomeOfYou said...

Wow. Judging from these comments, I'm guessing that Ron Paul supporters scour the internet looking for reasons to rage against those that disagree with him. The anger and intensity is frightening. Thanks, Ron Paul supporters, for giving me yet another reason not to vote for him. Oh, and maybe try some Xanax.

Anonymous said...

If this is even remotely true then why do none of the other GOP candidates bring this to light?

s5 said...

Can we also dispel the false idea that Ron Paul is "sane" on foreign policy? He's against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan not because he's for peace, but because he's for isolation. If there were active, verifiable genocide taking place in the world, he wouldn't lift a finger. He opposes acknowledging the Armenian genocide, he wouldn't do anything about Darfur, he wants to pull out of ALL international forums, and in general, would be just fine with letting the rest of the world go to shit as long as we had a big fence lined with guns surrounding our borders. Of course, this view is hopelessly naive in a 21st century connected world. But much like his love of the gold standard, Ron Paul's foreign policy values are at odds with any sensible liberal. He has a few specific policies that would line up with ours, but his set of values are completely different than ours and would lead to radically different outcomes on issues of importance. He is dangerous, even on his supposedly "good" foreign policy.

Ron Paul on genocide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYwtPbKPnn4

Anonymous said...

Clearly you are giving an opiniion ofthe media. He is the only hope!!

Anonymous said...

yeah, a lot of this is blown out of proportion. everyone is talking so much shit on Ron Paul, but you guys obviously are liberal times 20! Who cares if he doesn't believe in evolution. Seriously, what makes a difference if you believe in god or evolution? It is up to a person to decide their own beliefs. And yes, he is pro life or should i say anti choice. Because he has moral beliefs to uphold and he also witnessed an abortion in medical school. I'm sure all of you pro choice people couldn't do that. In reguards to the fence around mexico, thats fine. We have too many people in America as is and if you want to be here, you should have the right documentation. Everyone needs to see the bigger picture here. Ron Paul doesn't want our country to get in even more debt and wants to restore the economy. He is also the ONLY candidate not to support ww3. Don't you think that we should focus on bettering ourselves economically before getting wrapped up in another war? We need to think about the bigger picture here or else our country is going to go to complete and absolute crap. Try to see both sides of the story and stop being narrow minded. Im neither a democrat or republican, but I can see both sides of the stoty. But, the main thing i care about is the war factor cause that affects EVERYONE.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. Ron Paul and his lunatic fans are proudly ignorant, mewling sociopathic vermin; their dogma of unregulated capitalism and short-sighted greed is a cancer on all that is great and good in humanity.

Anonymous said...

Dear Diary...today OP was a fag.

Anonymous said...

The author should move to North Korea. The authoritarian rule there would be much more to his liking.

Maybe he'd be happy with his own TSA agent in his home groping him everyday?

Just to rebut some of the brainwashed sheep commenting, Ron never took federal money, Medicare/Medicaid, in his medical practice but rather provided charity care to those who could not pay.

His opposition to the Cilvil Rights act is because it violate Constitutional property rights. You cannot end someone's racism by demanding they let a certain collectivist group on their property.

Obama, Newt, Mitt, Rick are all puppets of the banking cartel, deal with it.

John Cooker said...

It would be a wonderful world if we didn't need the EPA and companies didn't pollute; if we didn't need the Civil Rights Act and folks didn't oppress Black citizens; if we didn't need a Dept of Eucation and Little Rock didn't teach its children Creationism as science.

But of course, we do. And we need it at a national level.

I think Mr. Paul and his followers feel the pressure of our behemoth Federal government restricting their freedoms. I would agree it uses its power autocratically in cases and often its policies lack common sense. There is certainly room for improvement, but to toss out all that has been accomplished, the foundation of who we are today, and revert to a government circa 1890 is not the answer.

Much of the Republican agenda is actually not conservative at all, but quite radical in the precidents they want to change and history they want to wind back, and Mr. Paul even more so.

Anonymous said...

Its strange how insistent people are on casting Ron Paul supporters as [some negative adjective], see the multiple posts above making snide commentary about how supposedly childish Ron Paul supporters are. It looks to me like they are afraid. :)

As for this article, some parts are wrong, but most are true. The great thing about Ron Paul though is, regardless of his beliefs, he is not going to make it impossible for you to live the way you want. Liberals, and conservatives to a lesser extent, have this belief that EVERYONE EVERWHERE must live exactly the same enlightened lifestyle. Sure, Ron Paul may want send his children to a school where they teach creationism. That does not stop me from advocating and sending my children to a school where they teach evolution.

Ron Paul 2012.

Anonymous said...

yeah i got like 5 in and i can tell whats wrong with all of them... as well as all anti ron paul lists. they run with "he wants such and such act ended". when such and such is usually something we deem as good... they never mention however WHY. see as a member of congress he knows all the earmarks in policies we are not aware of... like food for old ppl plan might also have a seizure of all property clause in it. 99% of the time, i dare say, this is the case and if we knew all the details we would agree. he's not the kind of person that shall i say is pro methadone over heroine. Hes a drug free rehab. As far as titles go.... the generation looking forward doesnt use political tags imho.... so far i havent seen one a 5th grader couldnt debunk.
I would go through each one and say why - for instance- leftests elites EXIST and are A BAD THING as much as right elites... I would mention that the NEW AND REAL way of thinking does not require agreement down "party lines" ( for example im pro choice and pro gun..... and so are most of my GAY CATHOLIC FRIENDS ). But it would be a waste if time if the reader is sleeping.

WAKE UP PPL- you cant stuff ppl into boxes. This is all a lie, the whole left right thing- a distraction. And Paul knows it!!! So do I.
Are you awake?

Anonymous said...

This article is actually a pretty good argument for supporting Ron Paul and shows why he is for liberty and supports a constitutionally limited federal government.

Anonymous said...

#12 just makes him awesome.

Steven said...

Here's what I see when reading this:

Troll. Troll-troll-troll-. Trolly-troll troll troll. TROLL.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

#1 #RonPaul Iowa vote fraud article in the world! Get this article out to the far reaches of the universe! http://www.examiner.com/conspiracy-in-denver/iowa-vote-fraud-official

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous.

"Anonymous in 2012."

Dan said...

Would just like to recommend everyone to please do your own research. This post is completely bias, misleading, or doesn't explain things at all by cutting things down to 3 sentence snippets as if our economy was that simple. So again, just please do your own research before judging someone. Localizing education, for example, may be hard to understand for some of us since we were fortunate enough to get the better end of the stick, but go to a inner city urban school and see how federal education is working out there. Just do your own research, please!!

Anonymous said...

This is sickening. Not the article...the comments. Guess what, Paulbots: the article is NOT false! These are his ACTUAL policies. We've seen these come OUT of his OWN mouth.

The lengths you fools go to in order to deny the truth and kiss Paul's shiny gold plated ass is absolutely dumbfounding. I've never seen a crowd of followers so brainwashed, hypocritical, and naive in my 20 years of life (and that includes what I've read out of history).

If I believed in biblical tales, I'd figure that Ron Paul is the anti-Christ because somehow he's able to get ruthless confused followers no matter HOW screwed up he is for the people.

Enough said... said...

JB are you an idiot? Ron Paul will not ruin this country and if your motivation to vote for him is that, you're completely nutty more nutty than what the Mainstream Media says about Ron Paul. So, you want to vote for him in hopes that he wins this election, so that he ruins America for four years until the next election just to ruin the GOP party? Oh you are surely for America, you would ruin America just so that your precious Liberal party stays in office the next election. Real smart JB! It's people like you who ruin for America, you obviously do not know anything about Ron Paul or even anything sensible if you think like that.

Anonymous said...

God damn, if there were a dislike button. I'd hit it 1000 times. The newsletters don't solely prove he's a racist or homophobe. Do you see him in ANY interview or speech acting this way? No you don't. Not even white nationlist organizations believe he's racist. Fucktard.

Anonymous said...

Read Ron Paul's book, "Liberty Defined", where he shows how this country has gotten so skewed off the course of Freedom. The American mind has gotten so twisted and perverted as to what defines a liberal, that most liberals today are just brainwashed drones...please take a look at this book. States rights give us 50 laboratories to come up with the best ideas to answer so many of life's many problems today. The Federal government is breaking the bank that can no longer be afforded. When it all hits the fan, which fed department will you cut first. Most will have to go, let's see you pick just one. You can't? Then you are gutless to make a decision that will save the farm. Ron Paul is taking the only road that will make this country great again. All of your arguments are skewed because you are probably half his age and don't know perspective if it hit you between the eyes. Our founding fathers were so much smarter than anyone today, they laid a plan to make this the greates nation in the world, who are you punk to make even a comment on how our Constituion is not good for little ol' you.

Anonymous said...

If Ron Paul was the complete nutcase, racist, anarchist that he's being portrayed as by certain factions, how is it that he's been elected 12 times?
I was unfamiliar with him till about a month ago. After researching his positions I was shocked to find that I was not the only one who thinks that the federal government is/has been overstepping its authority for a long time! We now live in a country where the government can even tell you what type of toilet you can have, what kind of light bulb you can use! Small things? Sure. But its the principle! For a long time I have stated that the federal government should stick to 1) national defense 2) managing the economy 3) regulating international /interstate commerce and 4) ensuring the rights of its citizens are not infringed upon by state or local governments. Everything else is a state or local matter. One size NEVER fits all, especially with social issues!
The problems in this country will never be solved until people realize that they are responsible for themselves. Not even Ron Paul can fix it. His principles are good, but they rely on people taking responsibility of their own lives. I don't really believe that's what most people want anymore! The evidence is in plain sight. The whole sad spectacle of watching one Republican attack another... for being rich? And Recieving applause for it! Liberals and conservatives trying to outdo one another on giveaway programs! Absurd!!! This is not the American way. I believe Ron Paul would hit the reset button and get us back to what America really stands for.
Ray Cook

stevestuart said...

As an outsider from the UK who actually has studied the common batch of scum put forward for the next puppet I can assure those writing crap about Ron Paul that you will very soon get what you deserve if you don't make a complete change from where you are heading and that is total collapse and bankruptcy and put in a man who actually wants to audit the fed, get the troops out of oil and drugs wars and jail bankers who have run riot. I don't care who you vote for but just take a minute to breath and look at the shit your president and the rest of his billionare friends have put you in, your pressittutes have given Mr PAul no coverage surely that should give even the tiniest of brains a wake up call! It's your call same old or real change.

Anonymous said...

This has to be the most uneducated article that I have ever read. The reason why this country is going to hell in a hand basket is because of people like this who spread their biased BS as fact.

Anonymous said...

ron paul is no better than obama, didn't anyone learn it's the shareholders of a corporation that have the power? Voting for a president or CEO is deception, it is the shareholders that the president of a corporation answers to... Your smart... not. (usa is a federal corporation... US CODE.

Ian Bezzant said...

I'm not going to read an article titled "Let's Be Clear, Ron Paul Fucking Sucks". Clearly the author has a biased agenda to discredit Paul, and hasn't looked at any counterpoints. Additionally, there is no fundamental basis for almost all these talking points. For example, defending the Department of Education tells me that the author hasn't really done any credible research to defend his stance. How about reading a book, or watching a documentary like Waiting for Superman, and come back with a legitimate stance to defend something of that nature. The DoE is a complete disaster and needs to be eliminated, or at worst a massive overhaul. WannaBeGeekster did a great job of countering most of these complaints above, much better than I could. This is hack journalism at it's finest and it's disgusting people would pass judgment on Ron Paul based on an article like this.

Anonymous said...

you are an idiot for posting this. its funny that you provide all the links to answer your stupidity too. LOL

Anonymous said...

what a disingenuous load of bunk. way to absolutely misrepresent a man.

Anonymous said...

One world government?!
Is he that dense? Shooooooooot....

Yes, government is broken, but not only is his policies all wrong and does nothing to solve for 21st century issues, he's the wrong kind of libertarian as well.

Anonymous said...

So, the UN is not part of a plot for a one world government?!
There is no plot for a one world government..
That's a hoax...
And, global warming is Not a hoax? It's an undisputed, scientific fact.
Wow. Interesting.
That must mean that the federal government loves us and always has our best interests at heart...
GMOS are making the world a better place..
and that shit they're spraying in the sky, that's to protect us from the evil, evil sun.
Thanks. I am enlightened now.

Anonymous said...

1) He is against one minor clause of the Civil Rights Act. He supports the vast majority of it.
2) This is an absurd misinterpretation of his views.
3) Ron Paul DID work for free. More to the point, the health care system we have now was corrupted by lobbyists in bed with politcians. That's his point.
4) Absurd. We only have had the Department of Education since the 1970's, and since it was established our educational system has gone incredibly downhill.
5) Gross distortion. He has said he has listened to credible scientists on both sides of the debate.
6) Gross distortion. He plainly states it's a theory, but also that it wouldn't affect any of his decisions either way.
7) 'Federal Safety Standards' are corrupt and bought by lobbyists. See: FDA, EPA. If you don't understand this, you haven't been paying attention.
8) He believes this should be decided at the state level, which makes far more sense then the cultural war we have now.
9) Foreign aid almost never goes to it's intended target. Why should you take money from the American people, who are broke, and give it to foreign dictators? Charities already exist to give money in situations like Haiti, for example.
10) The UN forces us into wars. We SHOULD get out of it.
11) The minimum wage costs many people jobs. If you raise minimum wage, companies lay people off. Fact. In trying to solve one problem, you create more problems.
12) Wanting the freedom to own a gun does not make one a 'gun nut'.
13) This one's just silly.
14) Getting rid of the income tax put more money in EVERYONE's pocket. Only someone as disingenuous as you're being could possibly say that hurts the middle class. You have no understanding of economics.
15) You have no understanding of his position or the economics. He loves immigration. He just doesn't want programs that bankrupt us. His point is that if we had a healthy economy, we wouldn't CARE about immigration, we'd encourage it.
16) Gross distortion of his posisition.
17) Gross distortion of his posisition.
18) Gross oversimplification. The government uses something called 'eminent domain' to build highways -- that is, it forces you to sell your family's land, whether you want to or not. Ron Paul is against the government using this sort of force.
19) Ron Paul is not homophobic, and it's simply disgusting that you'd accuse him of it.
20) Disgusting lies.

Anonymous said...


DWCarkuff said...

I just wish people who despise liberty as a general principle and advocate for the initiation of force would have the balls to be honest about it. Statist, authoritarians have no greater desire than to remake society in their own image, with force if necessary. There is one underlying libertarian principle which guides Dr. Paul's political philosophy and that is the idea that none of us has the right to initiate force against another. Both the left and the right advocate for the initiation of force as long as it serves their purposes.

Anonymous said...

and there's this:

Joe Corrao 4 Eyed Animation said...

this is a distortion of everyone of his positions...

Anonymous said...

wow you ignorant morons all of you, nit picking everything about Paul hes the best candidate for election, hes for YOUR FREEDOMS NOT CORPORATE INTREST! Find a better candidate and i will vote for him/her(REALLY!). besides everyone should know by now that the real nitty gritty happens when they are actually in office. As for you socialist liberals Whom ever trades liberty for security, deserve neither.

Anonymous said...

Libertarianism not realistic

Much as I have my problems with big government, doesn't mean I want the complete removal of federal government with its laws and federal programs that actually need to be there. Ron Paul, I'm sorry, sometimes systems have to be in place to make sure things get done.

For example, Federal programs help those whom are the most vulnerable in society. It would be nice to think everyone would give to charity, and help thy neighbor. I'm not taking my chances. I want programs in place that follow regulations, laws, procedures and have accountability. I want those who can't advocate for themselves to not be left in the lurch. People with disabilities (mental/physical), and the vulnerable (children/ health compromised) need guarantees not charity.

Not to say federal programs shouldn't be fixed or improved. People are falling through the cracks, but complete removal is just insane. Just because a house is need of repairs doesn't mean it should be demolished.

Evan the BOOKREADER said...

Auto-journalism failures:

'He believes we're waging a war against Christmas.'
'He seems.....(this is opinion obviously, not journalism-yellow at that)'
'Doesn't believe in evolution'
He is a gun nut.
He wants to repeal the Civil Rights Act.
He is radically pro-life.
He wants to U.S. to seize control of the Panama Canal.
He thinks interstate highways are unconstitutional.

I could type out the truths about the rest of the list and type out why this opinion on certain social issues is near irrelevant with what is on the table in America.

THis is like reading neo-conservative literature, pretty disgusting to read and highly unformed. People cradle to their badge of mystery...Republican democrat, ok. Do you even know what a democrat is? A republican? people's answers are like the funniest shit ever, it's like people don't read anything, hahaha.

My question is what's the difference between Romney and Obama?
Romneycare=Obamacare....Obamacare is what the Republicans offer in retaliation to Hillarycare lol.....
Obama=Serious War Monger, more than Bush especially once he goes into Iran after he is re-elected.....Romney....
Whos Obama and Romney's top lobbyist? Hahaha, a near identical list! Guess which Bank is both of thier Number One Lobbyist....
Taxcuts? Oh yeah keep talking Obama it's all about middle class, it's only been four years and you extended Bush Tax Cuts twice, hell yes. Romney's down!
Romney is considered too liberal, Obama seems to Conservative-so they meet in the middle with near identical policies.
Crooked lawyer.....Crooked Businessman
Off shore drilling! Both of them can shake on that!
Patriot Act? Hell fucking yeah! Naw, fuck it...we gotta go harder and start the NDAA! Thanks Obama, that's great.
Obama-Romney both were initally for SOPA PIPA, and still don't have straight answers 'I see both sides bullshit.' BULLSHIT.
Goes on and on and on.......What are the differences besides the bullshit? Believeing that Inte

The killing 100,000+ innocent people a year globally :)
We keep people poor, and cater the rich :)
Striped of rights, more cameras, phone taps, internet espionage on the public. :)

The point of Ron Paul is to serve a blow to the establishment. Ron Paul is not going to win, but his message is strong and real. He is the only real politician. I could care less if I don't agree with him on everything. I don't agree with any human on earth about everything. I do KNOW that he is the only dude I relate to, real recognize real. I know that he keeps it really real and has a oldschool spirit I feel is real. I support Dr.No.

Ron Paul is the only freedom fighter up there. The racism attacks are so weak lol. His senior, #1 publicist is black, he never mentions it and neither does the media lol. This article is so weak and stupid, It's like these people have no idea what is going on in American History and current politics in relation.

It's not about Democrats, Liberals, Neo-Cons, Republicans. This isn't a homecoming football game.
I'd rather sell my soul away than vote for Obama.
I do not bow to cowards. My vote belongs to Ron Paul, fuck the broken system.


Auto-journalism failures:

'He believes we're waging a war against Christmas.'
'He seems.....(this is opinion obviously, not journalism-yellow at that)'
'Doesn't believe in evolution'
He is a gun nut.
He wants to repeal the Civil Rights Act.
He is radically pro-life.
He wants to U.S. to seize control of the Panama Canal.
He thinks interstate highways are unconstitutional.

I could type out the truths about 1/2 of them and type out why his opinion on certain social issues is near irrelevant with what is on the table in America.

THis is like reading neo-conservative literature, pretty disgusting to read and highly unformed. People cradle to their badge of mystery...Republican democrat, ok. Do you even know what a democrat is? A republican? people's answers are like the funniest shit ever, it's like people don't read anything, hahaha.

My question is what's the difference between Romney and Obama?
Romneycare=Obamacare....Obamacare is what the Republicans offer in retaliation to Hillarycare lol.....
Obama=Serious War Monger, more than Bush especially once he goes into Iran after he is re-elected.....Romney....
Whos Obama and Romney's top lobbyist? Hahaha, a near identical list! Guess which Bank is both of thier Number One Lobbyist....
Taxcuts? Oh yeah keep talking Obama it's all about middle class, it's only been four years and you extended Bush Tax Cuts twice, hell yes. Romney's down!
Romney is considered too liberal, Obama seems to Conservative-so they meet in the middle with near identical policies.
Crooked lawyer.....Crooked Businessman
Off shore drilling! Both of them can shake on that!
Patriot Act? Hell fucking yeah! Naw, fuck it...we gotta go harder and start the NDAA! Thanks Obama, that's great.
Obama-Romney both were initally for SOPA PIPA, and still don't have straight answers 'I see both sides bullshit.' BULLSHIT.
Goes on and on and on.......What are the differences besides the bullshit? Believeing that Inte

The killing 100,000+ innocent people a year globally :)
We keep people poor, and cater the rich :)
Striped of rights, more cameras, phone taps, internet espionage on the public. :)

The point of Ron Paul is to serve a blow to the establishment. Ron Paul is not going to win, but his message is strong and real. He is the only real politician. I could care less if I don't agree with him on everything. I don't agree with any human on earth about everything. I do KNOW that he is the only dude I relate to, real recognize real. I know that he keeps it really real and has a oldschool spirit I feel is real. I support Dr.No.

Ron Paul is the only freedom fighter up there. The racism attacks are so weak lol. His senior, #1 publicist is black, he never mentions it and neither does the media lol. This article is so weak and stupid, It's like these people have no idea what is going on in American History and current politics in relation.

It's not about Democrats, Liberals, Neo-Cons, Republicans. This isn't a homecoming football game.
I'd rather sell my soul away than vote for Obama.
I do not bow to cowards. My vote belongs to Ron Paul, fuck the broken system.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, and the Anontards start ROLLING IN WITH THE BIG DISAGREEMENTS.

Paul Grau said...

One of the most obvious differences between Ron Paul and the writer of this article, Is that Paul has the ability to make an argument about a given subject, and rationalize it using knowledge about the subject. When speaking about a given issue (EPA) it is important to be knowledgeable about the subject and to be able to put information into context. Paul wants to dissolve the EPA, but it is not because he wants to watch the world die from excessive vehicle emissions. This does not mean that there will be no environmental health regulation. It means that the system put in place will be reformed. It is because the EPA is widely ineffective at performing the job it is designed to do. More and more government agencies are being criticized for wasting taxpayer dollars by operating on a large scale yet producing no measurable results. This writer, who for good reason must have intentionally left their name off, has not gathered enough information to report on the topic of Ron Paul, and clearly doesnt have the work ethic a responsible journalist would.

Anonymous said...

So many people are frustrated with the Republican Party and with the way the Obama Administration has handled the last few years. However I don't understand why Ron Paul is flocked to by so many people. Just because you're angry at the system you shouldn't throw yourself at the one thing that's different just because its different.

Anonymous said...

This is 100% bias.

Unknown said...

WannaBeGeekster has already stomped a large chunk of your claims. The simple fact of the matter is you do not understand Ron Paul's principles, and you think the federal government can do things better than the free market, local governments, or individuals by taking away freedom. As my grandfather put it, they take OUR money (among other things) because they think they know how to spend it better.

Let me just be crystal clear with all you Ron Paul haters... you only have 3 real choices in the upcoming election:

Obama, a fraud who hasn't kept a single promise since he took office (no, he did not reform healthcare. He made it worse), signed away your right to trial and attorney via NDAA, and is basically "Bush's 3rd term".

The other two-faced, smoothtalking republican insiders, who's records show they will NOT do anything to remotely help the US economy or cut spending/taxes despite what they say... and will unquestionably get us into world war III, if we don't go completely broke and the dollar collapses before then. Let's just call them "Bush's 4th term".

Then there's Ron Paul, who, although you clearly do not understand, is at least a CHANGE to the revolving door of politics, and if you at least listened carefully enough, is the only one with a feasible plan to put America back on track.

Because really? You may be pissing and moaning about being helpless without a FDA or Dep. of Edu., but you're going to be REALLY REAMED when you find yourself drafted into another major war and your family has to run to the stores to buy a loaf of bread with a wheelbarrow full of $100,000 bills... only to find the shelves empty.

Unknown said...

WannaBeGeekster has already stomped a large chunk of your claims. The simple fact of the matter is you do not understand Ron Paul's principles, and you think the federal government can do things better than the free market, local governments, or individuals by taking away freedom. As my grandfather put it, they take OUR money (among other things) because they think they know how to spend it better.

Let me just be crystal clear with all you Ron Paul haters... you only have 3 real choices in the upcoming election:

Obama, a fraud who hasn't kept a single promise since he took office (no, he did not reform healthcare. He made it worse), signed away your right to trial and attorney via NDAA, and is basically "Bush's 3rd term".

The other two-faced, smoothtalking republican insiders, who's records show they will NOT do anything to remotely help the US economy or cut spending/taxes despite what they say... and will unquestionably get us into world war III, if we don't go completely broke and the dollar collapses before then. Let's just call them "Bush's 4th term".

Then there's Ron Paul, who, although you clearly do not understand, is at least a CHANGE to the revolving door of politics, and if you at least listened carefully enough, is the only one with a feasible plan to put America back on track.

Because really? You may be pissing and moaning about being helpless without a FDA or Dep. of Edu., but you're going to be REALLY REAMED when you find yourself drafted into another major war and your family has to run to the stores to buy a loaf of bread with a wheelbarrow full of $100,000 bills... only to find the shelves empty.

Ben said...

The article would be more approriately titled, "I am an idiot. Here are twenty reasons why:"...(followed by a list of twenty items that are horribly off the mark in terms of reason, context, and accuracy). I'm with whoever stated that there are too many dumb comments in the article to even know where to begin...

So carry on, then. The federal government cares about you. Washington politicians are looking out for you. You really don't need all that freedom, just to be protected from your own shadow, and the bogeyman hiding in the bushes in your back yard. Perhaps if we pay even more taxes and suffer more inflation then we can rid the world of all evil and prevent it from exploding due to carbon emissions. Ban all guns, too, because we don't need those, either. We have the federal government and its military to protect us, and history shows that powerful governments never trample on anyone's rights so there is no reason whatsoever to fear government guns being pointed at you.

James said...

The GOP candidates are bad, but Obama is just as bad as they are. Gary Johnson in 2012.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul on Civil rights act 1964:

Anonymous said...

Paul Bots showing up? Luap Nor is Infallible!

Anonymous said...

To the Ron Raul haters out there do you even understand why he wants to do away with things like public education and regulatory systems? Do you understand the situation we are currently in? Do you truly believe you live in a free country? Do you understand how true capitalism works within a truly free market? Do you understand what he's talking about when it come to the disablilites act and civil rights act? (even Malcolm X said nobody can give you your freedom you have to take it, because if it can be given then it can be taken away as well) Do you really believe in man made Global warming or climate change (whatever name they've decided to use today)? Are you a coward? Do you need someone to hold you hand? Don't you think we should all have the choices to do as we please as long as they don't infringe on the rights of another individual? Or do you believe in a government that herds you up tells you what to eat, think and do, then leads you to the slaughter? Don't be a fool Ron Paul is the only honest politician I have heard and since most people call politicians liars don't come along and say that the first honest one sucks just because you have been too brainwashed to see what's really been going on. If you really want to call yourself free and actually be free then you might want to take another look at Ron Paul.

romanmir said...

Ron Paul - because everybody else will lead the world off the edge of the cliff.

Here is why he is the strongest National Defense candidate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH-z-F3mb94

romanmir said...

RON PAUL 2012, and here is why he is the strongest national defense candidate too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH-z-F3mb94

sinepopuli said...

Woman's right to choose means nothing more than the right to choose when to go to bed, with whom and where. If you are talking about woman's right to kill it is something way different than the right to choose. It's the right to avoid consequences of woman's previous choices. From the logical point of view, such 'right' doesn't differ from the right to kill 5 year old child or 80 year old grandma.

sinepopuli said...

Woman's right to choose means nothing more than the right to choose when to go to bed, with whom and where. If you are talking about woman's right to kill it is something way different than the right to choose. It's the right to avoid consequences of woman's previous choices. From the logical point of view, such 'right' doesn't differ from the right to kill 5 year old child or 80 year old grandma.

sinepopuli said...

Woman's right to choose means nothing more than the right to choose when to go to bed, with whom and where. If you are talking about woman's right to kill it is something way different than the right to choose. It's the right to avoid consequences of woman's previous choices. From the logical point of view, such 'right' doesn't differ from the right to kill 5 year old child or 80 year old grandma.

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