TGIT!!! Thank god it's Thursday! We have another name for Thursday at my house aside from Inspire Me Thursday and that is 'Baby Friday'.... Baby Friday begins right after work and I am officially inviting you to begin using the term right here and now. Once you've been sufficiently inspired by the post below and have completed your weekday responsibilities you may commence Baby Friday celebrations.... I suggest a drink of your choice or any other indulgence/vice you usually save for the weekend. (but don't over do it...you must save yourself for the real Friday)
...and now for the inspirations! Hope you enjoy...
What a beautiful fall day! A couple shots from my commute...
It may be beautiful today but we are entering a very wet season folks,
so lets make the most of it and get inspired by rain coats!

Oh my god it's a rose explosion! I think the couch may push this theme
over the top but the prints are pretty wicked if you ask me!
Bonnie and Clyde 1933

Hippie love...
Definitely gonna try to rig something like this up for Halloween...
I want a camper for Christmas to park at 'The Farm'. Just putting it out there... : )
Ever wonder what to do with a big retro TV? I certainly have and this is the best idea I've seen yet!
I like this picture but I detest roller coasters! Life is filled with
enough ups and downs, I prefer to stay steady as much as possible.
Wow, that is some toilet! lol What would you think if you walked into
someone's bathroom and they had this? What kind of impression would that
give you? It looks cold. I can hear my Mom gasping at it's beauty as I
write this.... : )
Enjoy your day my lovelies and the weekend that is looming!
Love Desiree
Desiree Proveau is a farmer's only daughter, now living in Toronto.
In the midst of urban glitz and excess, she's incorporates the lessons
she learned on her father's farm: to make due or
mend, to never use anything just once, and to re-purpose what's no
longer useful. She shares her designs, crafty lifestyle, and
inspirations at The Farmer's Only Daughter.
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