Hello you beautiful people! It's finally Thursday and this is my first Inspire Me Thursday of 2013!
This was my first thought today...

I've made a skirt like this out of a pillow case!
Christmas was a pretty good haul and since then what's been inspiring me most is my own little home...
My new favourite tea cup from a brother who knows his sister very well... : ) reading a book under my new reading lamp!
I got a new vanity stool from Value Village for 4.99!!!
Loving my walk to work...this is at the half way point.
Pretty good genes!
My mom and I share similar tastes... These are a few of her antique portraits...
We noticed this house while walking to a friends the other night and it
was so beautiful I had to take a picture! The entire house is projected
with tiny lights...
More of my mom's collection
My house smells like baking bread and my bathroom smells like a baby's head! It's pretty awesome... more brotherly love...
I'm really grooving on this song right now
Ta ta for now!
Love Desiree
Desiree Proveau is a farmer's only daughter, now living in Toronto.
In the midst of urban glitz and excess, she's incorporates the lessons
she learned on her father's farm: to make due or
mend, to never use anything just once, and to re-purpose what's no
longer useful. She shares her designs, crafty lifestyle, and
inspirations at The Farmer's Only Daughter.
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