Some Thursdays, we post one of the "Inspire Me
Thursday" posts from Desiree Proveau's wonderful blog, The Farmer's Only Daughter. It's
full of style and crafts and lessons learned while growing up on a farm
— the kind of stuff that can come in handy living in the midst of the big city's urban glitz and excess:
Holy hell guys, who's ready for spring!? I know I am.

Our newest additions to the homestead... Book shelves built by my husband James' dad and mounted antlers found by James' brother!
AND this framed piece of stained glass found years ago by James and his brother and restored by James dad.
And my biggest inspiration of them all... THIS GUY!
Not only does he cook me amazing healthy breakfasts...
he leads me in yoga classes in our living room...
What a guy...sometimes I just can't believe my luck...: )
I think we need a simple craft for this weekend. Something to breath a
little spring into our hearts and I found this great one at Design
Sponge. All you need is witch hazel, lavender oil, and a mini spray bottle. Tutorial here.
You may recognize the image below. I took a photo of my tulips and
posted it a few inspire me's ago and was so happy to learn that it
inspired this pretty painting! I received an email from Joanna Casucci
letting me know and she even credited me on her website. : ) How
sweet. Check it out. She makes some beautiful looking wedding invitations too...
Lots of love,
Desiree Proveau is a farmer's only daughter, now living in Toronto.
In the midst of urban glitz and excess, she's incorporates the lessons
she learned on her father's farm: to make due or
mend, to never use anything just once, and to re-purpose what's no
longer useful. She shares her designs, crafty lifestyle, and
inspirations at The Farmer's Only Daughter.
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